I rename only images which I am editing and plan to share online here or somewhere else, and I give each image a sort of meaningful name so that later I can find it again if need be. After a while it can be tricky to come with an interesting, descriptive and meaningful name, especially for some abstract macro thing I've done..... I have tried doing the keywording thing which is possible in DXO PhotoLab 4 but surprisingly enough, it just doesn't work well for me, since often I'm in a hurry to edit and share something and don't want to take the time to fiddle with keywords. Essentially I have my own hierarchical structure, more or less, and cataloging system.
Unedited RAW images are retained in folders by date and if the shooting session were pretty much all around the same subject, I add that information as well. Example: 2021 RAW Images / February / "02/28/2021 Hooded Mergansers and Geese in the Rain". A specific edited image from that (imaginary) shoot might be called "Male and Female Hoodies Playing in the Rain" and it goes into a folder named, aptly enough, "Edited Images" within the folder for the overall year and the month within that year. Today being the last day of February, if I actually do shoot and edit anything today, it'll go into that folder and then I'll wrap it up, start a new folder for March 2021.
Sometimes I go back later to the RAW files and look through them again and find a few more images to process, and other times I don't, so they tend to pile up until I get around to culling them, which I really should do prior to even thinking about editing anything.