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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2008
DFW, Texas
Ok, I have been getting my iMac repaired for issues since January. 3 Failed LCD Replacements and 1 Failed logic board replacement. I am fed up with these repairs. Is it fair for me to demand a replacement? I just don't think that I should have to go through so many repairs!:mad:
I'd have demanded a replacement with the first fault.

no wait...

I wouldn't have bought the POS in the first place.
I only had one HDD repair before they replaced it.

Technically you need to get it fixed 3 times until they can offer you a replacement, but that's not always necessary. You have a good enough reason to get a replacement now.
Just give them a call, and BE nice. explain everything calmly and just be friendly. If you make it easy for them, they'll make it easy for you.
Ask for them to transfer you to customer relations, they deal with the replacements.
Ok, I talked to apple and they said they have recognized the issue and have found out how to fix it. Should I still demand the replacement or just wait for the mac to be fixed. I really need it by Saturday since I have a major paper due on Monday. If I don't get a call by Friday i'm demanding a replacement. :(
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