Hi I'm going to buy a 2.8Ghz iMac when it gets updated soon.
At the moment the 2.8Ghz iMac comes standard with 320GB of hard drive space.
I will be using my iMac mainly to use with Final Cut Express to edit movies.
I will also be buying a high definition camcorder to record footage.
How much disk space does high definition footage take up compared to standard definition. How many Giga Bites will an hour of high definition footage take up?
Will I need to upgrade the disk space to maybe 500gb, 750gb ot 1tb?
I will be purchasing a external hard drive to use with Time Machine. Should I just buy a standard 2.8ghz iMac with a 320gb hard drive and buy a large 1Tb external hard drive?
Which would offer better value for money?
Thanks for replies.
At the moment the 2.8Ghz iMac comes standard with 320GB of hard drive space.
I will be using my iMac mainly to use with Final Cut Express to edit movies.
I will also be buying a high definition camcorder to record footage.
How much disk space does high definition footage take up compared to standard definition. How many Giga Bites will an hour of high definition footage take up?
Will I need to upgrade the disk space to maybe 500gb, 750gb ot 1tb?
I will be purchasing a external hard drive to use with Time Machine. Should I just buy a standard 2.8ghz iMac with a 320gb hard drive and buy a large 1Tb external hard drive?
Which would offer better value for money?
Thanks for replies.