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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 24, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario
How much do you wanna bet Apple is loving every minute of this. Releasing 3.1 and all, and how everyone is worried they're never going to be able to jailbreak/unlock again!

On a positive note, I've read Jay Freeman (Saurik) has something going on and is releasing more info about it tomorrow, he seems optimistic, so that's great news.

I wonder if Steve Jobs gets excited over the fact they've made it harder on the jail break community? lol
I can honestly say that if Apple doesn't do something and start offering themes thru the AppStore and apps that can modify the phone, then they're going to loose alot of money, there's a significant amount of people who buy the Iphone so they can personalize it and run different themes etc.

Personally I can't live without LockInfo and I think it's completely ridiculous that the Iphone comes with an absolutely BLANK and USELESS lockscreen.. I mean wtf? why can't we have a calender, calenderInfo and call,sms,mms,IM notifications on the lockscreen like on a jailbroken phone?

It's just plain dumb, if apple would just get into the theming scene they could open up a whole new market and sell a bunch of themes and addons for the iphone through the appstore.. and not just..well a bunch of useless apps and ringtones.

I think the only reason they're doing this is to prevent application piracy and of all companies you would think Apple would know better? They lock down the Iphone as if it was a nuclear bomb and then they go around selling MacOSX without as much as a single serial key.

They should really start to grow up and expand the options on the Iphone, personally I've been looking at Android phones lately because I want a 3GS in a couple of month but if 3.1 will be unjailbreakable on the 3GS then there's no point for me to buy one.

I've been jailbreaking since the firmware 1.1.1 days and I'll keep jailbreaking till the day apple locks the phone so much that I'll switch to another brand.
How much do you wanna bet Apple is loving every minute of this. Releasing 3.1 and all, and how everyone is worried they're never going to be able to jailbreak/unlock again!

On a positive note, I've read Jay Freeman (Saurik) has something going on and is releasing more info about it tomorrow, he seems optimistic, so that's great news.

I wonder if Steve Jobs gets excited over the fact they've made it harder on the jail break community? lol

So far they've always come up with ways to hack it - I strongly believe that they'll keep finding holes to exploit for their/our purposes.

I sometimes wonder if jailbreaking is good to bad for apple...
I doubt it, because they know that someone will eventually find a way to JB it. Then apple will just have to do something else to try and stop the hackers. It's an endless cycle
How much do you wanna bet Apple is loving every minute of this. Releasing 3.1 and all, and how everyone is worried they're never going to be able to jailbreak/unlock again!

On a positive note, I've read Jay Freeman (Saurik) has something going on and is releasing more info about it tomorrow, he seems optimistic, so that's great news.

I wonder if Steve Jobs gets excited over the fact they've made it harder on the jail break community? lol

greenpois0n will the the new jailbreak for 3.1 and will be out soon.
Nothing is bulet proof, so jailbreak is going to come, no worries about that i accidentaly ugraded to 3.1 and i do actualy like the new features. Jailbreak actually slowed my iphone down and alot of the games are kinda crap so i dont mind. I only miss one feature, which is backgrounder, if iphone had somehting like that native....i wuldnt even jailbreak.
Bescides apple might screw something up and have an exploit in the next release if some of the code for new features is poorly written, so i dont see why you guys are stressing.
Nothing is bulet proof, so jailbreak is going to come, no worries about that i accidentaly ugraded to 3.1 and i do actualy like the new features. Jailbreak actually slowed my iphone down and alot of the games are kinda crap so i dont mind. I only miss one feature, which is backgrounder, if iphone had somehting like that native....i wuldnt even jailbreak.
Bescides apple might screw something up and have an exploit in the next release if some of the code for new features is poorly written, so i dont see why you guys are stressing.

Don't automatically presume someone will always hack a device. For instance the PS3 has yet to be hacked and it was released in 2006. Apple are slowly closing the holes.
I doubt it, because they know that someone will eventually find a way to JB it. Then apple will just have to do something else to try and stop the hackers. It's an endless cycle

no it's not an endless cycle.

there won't always be an exploit.
Thank god for 2g iphones. I had upgraded to 3.1.0, and then realized I wanted to jailbreak.. lucky for me, it was a painless process to downgrade back to 3.0.1 :)

You know, I almost bought a 3gs a few weeks back, and when 3.1.0 was released, I would have upgraded then too.. good thing I backed out.
Don't automatically presume someone will always hack a device. For instance the PS3 has yet to be hacked and it was released in 2006. Apple are slowly closing the holes.

I'm of the opinion that Apple may privately support jailbreaking just a tiny bit. Think about it - it's the best of both worlds for Apple right now. The average consumer has his uber-simple-locked-down iPhone device that "always works", the cell phone networks have the degree of control they are looking for, and Apple's technical support costs are under control. At the same time, the power user community gets its fix from jailbreaking, which Apple can disassociate itself from and not have to support. They have to make it difficult enough that they can tell the cell phone companies and app developers that they are doing all they can to prevent jailbreaking, while at the same time leaving just enough tiny holes to allow it to continue.
I'm of the opinion that Apple may privately support jailbreaking just a tiny bit. Think about it - it's the best of both worlds for Apple right now. The average consumer has his uber-simple-locked-down iPhone device that "always works", the cell phone networks have the degree of control they are looking for, and Apple's technical support costs are under control. At the same time, the power user community gets its fix from jailbreaking, which Apple can disassociate itself from and not have to support. They have to make it difficult enough that they can tell the cell phone companies and app developers that they are doing all they can to prevent jailbreaking, while at the same time leaving just enough tiny holes to allow it to continue.

I kind of doubt it. According to DevTeam, Apple removed 52% of the command line sections in the 3.1 firmware. That's a huge amount. That is where the DevTeam usually finds their exploits.

Nope, Apple is seriously trying to take away the "holes".

Not to mention removing the signing on 3.0 and 3.0.1 IPSW's for all 3GS phones leaving only the 3.1 IPSW for 3GS phones.

Sorry, I believe you are wrong.
I really wonder if the google phone is picked up by verizon and google doesn't squash innovation adn creativity, if jailbreakers developers would switch platforms.
I was with Verizon

and I am not going back there are people that hate AT&T well I hate Verizon no not a AT&T fanboy I know they are far from perfect I just like Verizon much much less!
As soon as I can't jailbreak again, Im getting rid of my iphone. Without JB, it is horrendously crippled and it renders all that awesome CPU power useless.
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