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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 31, 2006
I have a 350mhz G4 tower that i'm thinking of selling. These are the specs. Tell me what you think it's worth.

350Mhz PowerPC G4
120GB 7200rpm Hard Drive
896MB Ram
Internal 250mb Zip Drive
ATI Radeon 9200/128mb
Apple Combo Drive (Shipped in MDD Machine)
No more than $200.

Apple's refurbished Mac mini goes for $520
with these specs:
1.5GHz Intel Core Solo
512MB memory (667MHz DDR2 SDRAM)
60GB Serial ATA hard drive
Combo drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW)
Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0
Apple Remote

Your 350mhz G4 ain't much of anything these days, sorry.
I'd say $100 would be reaching high. But check eBay's completed listings to see if any have sold there recently.
DZ/015 said:
I'd say $100 would be reaching high. But check eBay's completed listings to see if any have sold there recently.

Are you kidding me? Did you look at the specs of my machine? It's heavily upgraded.
Wow, yep. I think maybe selling the parts would get you more money than selling it all together.

350mhz isn't fast.

The hard drive and ram however, are suprising, and could be sold, you can get more than 100 I think
Peyton said:
Wow, yep. I think maybe selling the parts would get you more money than selling it all together.

350mhz isn't fast.

The hard drive and ram however, are suprising, and could be sold, you can get more than 100 I think

And video card?
macgeek2005 said:
I have a 350mhz G4 tower that i'm thinking of selling. These are the specs. Tell me what you think it's worth.

350Mhz PowerPC G4
120GB 7200rpm Hard Drive
896MB Ram
Internal 250mb Zip Drive
ATI Radeon 9200/128mb
Apple Combo Drive (Shipped in MDD Machine)
Unfortunately, used electronics loose their value very quickly these days.

Check eBay for a comparative price.

The CPU is outdated.

System has minimal RAM.

Small used HD. Can buy new 300GB for less than $100.

Zip Drive is worth next to nothing.

Graphics card is worth less than $80.

As someone said, you might make more if you sell the individual components.

I have some 32MB DIMMS that are worth about $5. When new, these went for $3,200!

Welcome to the world of electronics! :eek:
I sold my G4 tower.
40GB 5200rpm HDD
Apple Combo Drive

And loads of software for £495 which, considering the new mac mini is £449, it is a god result for me.
You don't say where you are, but you'd probably only get around £150-200 for it in the UK. Unfortunately from the specs it's a Yikes! motherboard, which is the most limited design of the PowerMac G4 family (PCI graphics rather than AGP, no Airport support, Ethernet bottlenecks, and cut-down FireWire support in the firmware). If it had been a 450MHz "Sawtooth" model it would have immediately commanded £150 more, simply because the owner can do more with it in terms of upgrades later.

Best of luck with the sale anyway.
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