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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 19, 2006
If you add up the price you paid for the apps on your home screen, how much is it "worth?"

Weatherbug Elite: $1
TFLN: $1
Byline: $5
Tweetie: $3
MLB At Bat: $10

Total: $20
Well I'll say what I bought each app for.

Twitteriffic: $10
Things: $10
Total: $20

gah, I don't even want to go over all the apps I've bought, but I've definitely got more than just Crash Bandicoot and Jaadu VNC. :(
$12.98 not including the free promo code I used for Battery Pro. So it's $9.99 MLB @ Bat and $2.99 for Air Mouse. The rest are free or standard device apps.
5 bucks.
$1 for Billminder
$1 for push notifictions through Billminder
$3 for Tweetie.

Dont get me started on my game page though. :eek:
Just the first screen?


Drag'n'drop Groups - $2.99
Picture Safe - $1.99
Easy Wake Up Pro - $19.99
RSS Player - $5.99
MailDash - $1.99
myVideos - $4.99
Momo - $4.99
TapExpense - $4.99
Pocket Informant - $11.99

My reference app page costed a load!

I've spent far too much on apps, but it is my main computer. The PC I sync my iPhone to is incredibly slow, and I avoid syncing whenever possible. iPhone as the poor man's answer to music, games, references, entertainment, phone, Internet, finance tracker, notebook, workout log, task and schedule manager, and perhaps more...
hmm i know its over $300 because lexi-complete is $299 itself lol.


lexi-complete: 299.99
longman dictionary: 29.99
istudiez pro: 2.99
facebook: free
poker 40k: 2.99
weather channel max: 3.99
slacker radio: free
I have 11 apps on my home screen at the moment, and I paid for three of them. One is a free app (The Weather Channel) and the rest shipped with the phone. The three paid apps are:

BeejiveIM: $15.99
Tweetie: $2.99
Byline: $4.99

Total: $23.97
Things, Navigon, Gas Cubby, Ledger, Newsstand, and Jaadu VNC.

I think that's close to $140. I get a lot of use from each of these, so I guess it's worth it.
AppSniper: $0.99 (Got it in a promo code)
Pocket Weather World: $2.99
Twittelator Pro: $4.99

The rest are the default apps, minus YouTube and iTunes which I hid with restrictions.
Pricing is at best i remember.

Bento - 5.00
NewsAddict - 1.00
Navicat - 6.00
Echofon - 5.00
iDiary - 7.00
DayBank - 5.00
KeyMote - 4.00
Quickword - 1.00

Total: about 34.00
$15.99 - Beejive
$2.99 - Tweetie
$9.99 - Todo
$1.99 - Checkbook
$1.99 - 1Password (I think that was the price when I bought it...)

Soooo.... $31.95 before tax
Let's see here...a lot of these apps replaced the standard Apple apps.

$3.99 - Weather Channel MAX
$3.99 - Awesome Note
$2.99 - AIM
$1.99 - Air Mouse
$1.99 - Snapture
$0.99 - Convert
$0.99 - News Addict

Around $17.00...not bad.
Just the first page? or the whole x amount of pages.

for just my first page it's...

tweetie, brushes, anote, radiobox, fourtrack and xewton studio

an estimate would be £25 GBP.
my entire device must be about 150 pounds. ridiculous, this is where my tips at work go.
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