I was playing with the MBP at the Apple Store yesterday. The civilian shoppers probably thought I was nuts as I lifted the MBP up to my hears trying to hear these alleged noises that some are complaining about. Two of the machines were dead silent. I mean dead silent. My AlBook sounds like a freaking Ozzy Osbourne concert compared to them. The other one had a very tiny buzzing, but the only way to hear it was to almost lie my head to the keyboard!
I don't doubt that some people are having noise issues. I had major whining with my AlBook when it was new...turned out the video inverter board was defective. But I don't think anyone can make the case the noise issues on the MBP is an epidemic. It seems to be isolated to small sampling of MBP owners.
If you are waiting for Apple to fix this in say a Rev B. what will do you when Rev B develops its own idiosyncrasies? Will you then wait for Rev C? Rev D? There is a myth out there that Rev As are always buggy and each superseding model is less so. Maybe that is true in other products, but as we've seen with Mac, each revision has its own problems. So if you are waiting for a MBP with absolutely no issues you might be waiting a long time. Better start a pot of coffee.