I was pretty excited about iCloud. I have a @mac (not a mobile me account) account which I use for store purchases but it's kindda funny. So I went through the process of creating a new Apple-Yahoo id so I can use it for mail in iCloud.
I set up iCloud using the new Apple id and quickly created a good @me address and three aliases.
And now I realised that your iCloud login ID and @me address are different and so I can use my funny @mac address with iCloud and have a decent @me mail address.
So if I delete my @me addresses I created with iCloud, how long will it take for them to be usable again ?
I set up iCloud using the new Apple id and quickly created a good @me address and three aliases.
And now I realised that your iCloud login ID and @me address are different and so I can use my funny @mac address with iCloud and have a decent @me mail address.
So if I delete my @me addresses I created with iCloud, how long will it take for them to be usable again ?