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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 2, 2010
I'm thinking of getting one and I'd primarily be using it for web surfing. I pretty much just stick to news websites/facebook/youtube.
I haven't noticed it at all.

Once in a blue moon I might run into a new site with a video that won't play, but that's pretty rare. Most of the news sites have iPad friendly video.
It happens sometimes, but I don't really care. Many websites now offer iPad compatible videos, so the need for a flash plugin isn't that great...
Almost never. I actually was pretty surprised how many websites with embedded video work on the iPad when I first got it.
it's really hard to tell since they removed the little blue lego. I'd say that, for every five different websites I view, one will have a problem. But it's usually something very insignificant like an interactive photo viewer or an ad.
Out of all the websites that I've visited (which is many), I think there were 2 that I couldn't view some content. And even then it wasn't a big deal. I'm surprised to see how many iPad friendly sites there are.

It's really not a problem.
Try this: Set Safari to work as if it was mobile Safari:

1. Open Safari Preferences.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. Select "Show Develop menu..."
4. Click the Develop menu on the menu bar and select User Agent->Mobile Safari 3.2

Now uninstall the Safari Flash Player plugin or install Click2Flash.

After about a week you'll know whether you really need the Flash Player on the iPad or not.
Having had it for MONTHS there's a few times where it would have been nice, but off the top of my head I cant remember any time that it was problematic.
They have been few and far between. I don't even notice it anymore. Much of the "News" around this was media hype. Just like Multi-Tasking and folder organization, two other areas that don't really come into play in normal everyday use.
The biggest issue for me with Flash has been a couple of video sites, mainly live streaming web sites (Red Bull Air Race, Indycar, AOPA.)

It is annoying for those web sites that need it, on the other hand I see how poorly Flash works sometimes on my Macbook 2007 GMA 950, so I understand why they need to keep it of my iPad.
Try this: Set Safari to work as if it was mobile Safari:

1. Open Safari Preferences.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. Select "Show Develop menu..."
4. Click the Develop menu on the menu bar and select User Agent->Mobile Safari 3.2

Now uninstall the Safari Flash Player plugin or install Click2Flash.

After about a week you'll know whether you really need the Flash Player on the iPad or not.

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to reliably be able to predict iPad compatibility on all sites, for whatever reason. One example would be the New York Times videos. They seem to be HTML5-based when the site is accessed from the iPad Simulator or the iPad directly, but accessed via Safari for OS X, with the iPad's user agent string activated, the video content is displayed in Flash. :confused:
The only time I've really missed flash is during the Tour de France, where real-time race info was displayed using flash. The New York Times also sometimes has nice interactive graphics that use flash. And there are the occasional restaurant and shopping sites that use flash. But those I find annoying even on desktop computers, they load slowly, and I can't enlarge the fonts, leaving me squinting to read any writing. So, yes, I run into flash every once in a while, but I'm not very bothered by not being able to view those site on my iPad, and if the iPad gets any of these sites to move away from flash, then IMO that's a good thing.
As far as video goes, I don't run into any problems with flash, as most sites are slowly but surely adopting HTML5. As for menus and whatnot, that's what Frash is for. Runs great on my iPad.
I'm thinking of getting one and I'd primarily be using it for web surfing. I pretty much just stick to news websites/facebook/youtube.

Rarely. When it does happen, if it's important enough to me i'll email myself the link and then look at it on my iMac. Most of the time I just let it go.
Never. The only thing I could imagine that would require flash that I would maybe use would be gaming websites, but I don't actually play online games; I just download them from the app store.
I wouldn't say never but I barely ever have a problem with something requiring flash. Usually it's just an ad and the page looks a bit funky.
I've ran into problems much less than I thought I would to be honest. Most sites that value your business have provided a html version (if somewhat basic at times) so that you can still use it.
I think it probably depends on how large the site is. I just tried two small subscription sites that I visit every day and both require Flash.
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