I think the new Face Time feature is amazing - but I was wondering how many people will actually be taking advantage of it?
There's a few other people in my office that are getting iPhone 4 but I don't talk to them too often on the phone, and if I did I don't think I'd want to see them.
I'll just have to wait until someone I like and actually want to see gets and i4. Maybe I should get my wife one for her birthday or something.
Will be you using the feature a lot? In what scenarios?
There's a few other people in my office that are getting iPhone 4 but I don't talk to them too often on the phone, and if I did I don't think I'd want to see them.
I'll just have to wait until someone I like and actually want to see gets and i4. Maybe I should get my wife one for her birthday or something.
Will be you using the feature a lot? In what scenarios?