I've used full screen apps (Safari, mail, calendar, iWork, iPhoto, etc.) whenever possible for a while now but recently decided to try "minimizing" everything. I've found my workflow has improved substantially because I'm not constantly "swiping" to find the app I need. This tended to slow me down because invariable the app I was searching for was not full screen and I had to go through all open apps to discover.
For some reason I don't use spotlight to switch between apps as much as I probably should. It just seems easier to see the app icon in the dock and touch it to bring to the foreground versus a hot key sequence and typing. I'm also catching more real-time notifications from apps in the dock. Overall, I think that giving up the screen real-estate (retina macbook pro 13" here) is worth the improved navigation.
What is your experience? Do you tend to use the fullscreen mode or multi-task using the app windows slightly minimized?
For some reason I don't use spotlight to switch between apps as much as I probably should. It just seems easier to see the app icon in the dock and touch it to bring to the foreground versus a hot key sequence and typing. I'm also catching more real-time notifications from apps in the dock. Overall, I think that giving up the screen real-estate (retina macbook pro 13" here) is worth the improved navigation.
What is your experience? Do you tend to use the fullscreen mode or multi-task using the app windows slightly minimized?