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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 27, 2008
Since I have jailbroken my phone has went into safe mode more times that I care for it too. For those of you that have had this happen how many times has it happened to you? Please include how long your phone has been jailbroken.
Mine only does it when I plug into an unsupported dock I use and try to start the device. A simple push of a button is all it takes for me to correct the problem.

What are you doing with the device when it goes into safe mode?:confused:
I actually jailbroke my phone for the first time today. As I added apps and messed around with it, it went into safe mode four times. Kind of freaked me out, I think I'm going to unjailbreak it tomorrow. Winterboard is cool, but a novelty to me and I can live without it.
When I first jb'd my 3GS, about 3 weeks ago, it was going into safe mode constantly whenever it was plugged into a power source. If not plugged in, it never happened. Strangely enough, it has not gone into safe mode for several days now, and I think it coincided with a mobile substrate update from Saurik.

Mine was going into safe mode 10 or 20 times a on wood!
Mine has gone into safe mode twice since I jailbroke 3 days ago, both times it happened I was moving around my icons

What are you doing with the device when it goes into safe mode?:confused:

I think some themes weren't interacting well together, and I also I think i run "too low" on memory. Imo, the iphone 3G doesn't have the available memory to multi task and use apps like backgrounder like the 3GS does.

I recently backed everything up and deleted a few things and I'm going to see how that goes.

It has happened to me probably 7 or 8 times in two weeks. It freaks me out. Everytime it happens I think its bricked or something. :eek:
Had mine jailbroken and unlocked since I got it about a month ago and it has only gone into safe mode once ever, and that was a result of my own stupidity in downloading an add-on from Cydia was not 3.0 compatible. My 3GS has been rock solid despite extreme modding and add-ons, I really can't complain.

When the phone goes into safe mode what exactly does this indicate?

low memory I presume?
what the heck does safe mode mean?

I've had both the 3g and 3gs jb'ed since day 1 and can't recall it ever going into said mode.

Why would it do this and how can you tell when it happens?
Mine went into safe mode for the first time today, 2 days after I jailbroke (3GS). It actually happenend when a text message arrived so I'm guessing irealquicksms was the culprit.
It's funny, my phone was going into safemode at least once a day. Then a few weeks ago I uninstalled intelliscreen, not for that reason, but because I wanted to do my own customization with Lockinfo. My iPhone hadn't gone into safe mode since :) so I guess I found the culprit. That's a shame because I paid for intelliscreen.
My old 3G? Never. My new 3GS? Never. I don't put much on it tho, MobileSubstrate, BossPrefs, Winterboard, command line tools, etc. :)
My jailbroken 3G on 2.2.1 used to do it every now and then, but since I've been on 3.0, I haven't entered safe mode once. Also, haven't entered safe mode at all on my jailbroken 3GS.
Twice since I jailbroke my 3GS about a month ago. Both times were due to an app or MS plugin I had just installed.
what the heck does safe mode mean?

I've had both the 3g and 3gs jb'ed since day 1 and can't recall it ever going into said mode.

Why would it do this and how can you tell when it happens?

Im with you.. How do you know if your phone is in safe mode?

Reason i ask is because i installed cydia a couple of days back and its crashed a couple of times after installing apps (The well tested ones i might add) where it just froze when going back out to the main screen. I had to force the phone to shutdown using the locka nd home key and reboot.
Safe mode is pretty obvious. Springboard restarts and all your themes are turned off, it's just a black background. A big pop-up message which takes up most of the screen says it's in safe mode and gives you a power menu to restart/reboot etc.

Mine never goes to safe mode anymore. The only time it has is after installing a buggy app.
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