After a number of years using my Mac and filing things, I have discovered I have probably not organized my folders to best advantage. Rather than filing things in Documents, I opted to file things largely by the application I started them in - Pages and Numbers. And I have kept doing this. This has recently became a problem with filing PDF files in amongst the files I want to keep together. For instance, I would like to keep notes on my medical conditions together. But a medical PDF does not want to go into my medical Pages folder. And I would like to keep genealogy info in the same folder, but PDFs aren't going into my Pages folder on family history. Same kind of problem arises with Numbers.
What I am looking for are suggestions on how to conveniently and simply move Pages files out of a Pages folder and into a Documents folder. Without losing anything, of course. And I have enough Pages and Numbers files, that I would ideally like to move big chunks, then go back and sort out subfolders. This rather than try to make a bunch of subfolders and try to move everything into those, if that makes sense.
Hope I have posted this into the correct forum area. And thank you for any help.
What I am looking for are suggestions on how to conveniently and simply move Pages files out of a Pages folder and into a Documents folder. Without losing anything, of course. And I have enough Pages and Numbers files, that I would ideally like to move big chunks, then go back and sort out subfolders. This rather than try to make a bunch of subfolders and try to move everything into those, if that makes sense.
Hope I have posted this into the correct forum area. And thank you for any help.