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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 25, 2016
Munich, Germany
How tight do you wear your watch. Especially with sport bands?

The sport band sometimes pulls something the hair. Sometimes it sticks easily to the skin.

I do not know this of a metal bracelet (citizen). If I make the bracelet too loose, then the heart sensor does not function properly I think


macrumors 68040
Aug 8, 2002
I don't wear my sport bands very tight. When I look down my arm, I see daylight on both sides of my wrist, but the bottom of the watch (and thus the heart rate sensor) stays on my arm no problem.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2008
Seattle, WA
Cannot wear the sports band too tight as it will break my skin out into a rash. However, with Nike bdan, I do not have any issue at all.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2011
Tight enough not to move while running or my HR isn't available or is way off, 1 less notch for all other times. This is on a sport band.


macrumors 68020
Feb 3, 2016
I wear the S/M on the 3rd or 4th closest hole
I hate overly loose bands, how can you track your heart rate?! (and you look like a fool too)
Cannot wear the sports band too tight as it will break my skin out into a rash. However, with Nike bdan, I do not have any issue at all.
How big is your wrist? The bands have a large option, and on the band there are multiple holes, the closer to the end of the band the bigger the band gets, so if you have a bigger wrist, move the pin to the holes that make the band larger


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2012
This is something I'm fiddling with at the moment.

Received my first AW (S2) at the start of the week. Within a few moments, I realised, given how much interaction there is/can be with the watch, that I'd need my dominant hand to interact with it. So moved it over to the right wrist, after 25 years of only wearing watches on the left.

Some days I've taken it off in the evening, and the wrist had felt a bit bruised. Tricky part is that I'm struggling to get it adjusted properly, since it feels a bit weird no matter how tight/loose I have it, since I'm not familiar with anything being on the right wrist. So will take a whole to get things sorted.

No biggie either ways. Using a Woven Nylon band at the moment, but have a sports band for working out. Think I'm going to try the latter for a full day, and see how it goes.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 25, 2016
Munich, Germany
This is something I'm fiddling with at the moment.

Received my first AW (S2) at the start of the week. Within a few moments, I realised, given how much interaction there is/can be with the watch, that I'd need my dominant hand to interact with it. So moved it over to the right wrist, after 25 years of only wearing watches on the left.

Some days I've taken it off in the evening, and the wrist had felt a bit bruised. Tricky part is that I'm struggling to get it adjusted properly, since it feels a bit weird no matter how tight/loose I have it, since I'm not familiar with anything being on the right wrist. So will take a whole to get things sorted.

No biggie either ways. Using a Woven Nylon band at the moment, but have a sports band for working out. Think I'm going to try the latter for a full day, and see how it goes.
Thank you for your explanation. I am feeling a little bit the same way because I did not wear a sports strap for years.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2015
Cheshire, UK
If you are using a sports band then, if it's possible, switch to the other strap part that comes with the band.

I know the straps just look like different sizes but the holes are actually set in between as well so you can get a better fit sometimes if you can switch to the other part.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2011
Using a nylon band, and roughly I wear it loosely enough to easily slide up and down my arm a little, but still tight enough so the watch does not flop around when I shake my wrist. Nylon band is a little comfier to wear than the original rubber sport band, but it still gets a bit icky and sticky when I get a full head of steam up during (mainly walking) exercise.

I can't pull the band too tight, or it'll pinch on tendons or nerves or whatever and cause pretty serious aches. I had to move the watch to my right wrist because left wrist was more sensitive to the rounded sensor back digging into my flesh. :p


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2008
Seattle, WA
I wear the S/M on the 3rd or 4th closest hole
I hate overly loose bands, how can you track your heart rate?! (and you look like a fool too)
How big is your wrist? The bands have a large option, and on the band there are multiple holes, the closer to the end of the band the bigger the band gets, so if you have a bigger wrist, move the pin to the holes that make the band larger

My NIke band is currently in the 4th hole closest to the end. That has been comfortable. The sport band was the same, but sweat and the rubber just broke me out. Seems to be a non-issue for the Nike band thus far


macrumors 68040
Nov 13, 2011
Sometimes tight then sometimes loose ie one hole less. Most of the time loose. When I exercise I tighten it. No problems to report.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2014
I got a 3rd party Milanese band and adjust it occasionally. I mostly have it loose enough to be comfortable on the underside yet the sensors stay in good contact. Being able to adjust it without having to pick a hole is great.


macrumors 68020
Feb 3, 2016
The Milanese Loop (really all of Apple's bands) is just a toy to play with; I have one and I'll start to play with it and then it starts irritating my wrist―same with the Link Bracelet right now

But the Sport Band I'm wearing right now also, sometimes I'll wear it tight enough to where it's normal but it slides around, and then other times I'll tighten it up because I really don't like my watch sliding around on my wrist
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Mar 30, 2015
I don’t like my watch to move. Been then way forever with me. If I take my watch off, there is a slight impression. This also seems to be the best heart rate reading as well. Would be itrated with too tight or too loose.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 26, 2014
I don’t like my watch to move. Been then way forever with me. If I take my watch off, there is a slight impression. This also seems to be the best heart rate reading as well. Would be itrated with too tight or too loose.

I’m with you on not wanting the watch to move.. which is why it’s probably stuck in place later in the day or when I exercise and loosen the band a little ;)
About playing with the Milanese band, I’ve never had the urge to play with mine and it’s so comfortable that I can’t even feel it. I hope I’m happy with other type bands because I do want to change up the colors now and then.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2013
Seems like I need to wear the Series 3 tighter to get the HR sensor to be accurate. When I run I either go one notch higher or push it up my wrist until it’s real tight.

Haven’t had great success with the nylon loop and running, watch just wants to move more and the HR sensors fail or have a hard time getting readings.

Overall Series 3 for me is slower or misses with the heart rate sensors at the same tightness as I used on Series 2.


macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2014
Using a nylon band, and roughly I wear it loosely enough to easily slide up and down my arm a little, but still tight enough so the watch does not flop around when I shake my wrist. ... :p

The last few days been wearing a little looser than quoted above. I think it affects the HR sensor sometimes, but doesn’t sweat up my wrist. And wrist detection still works fine. I can lift my watch about half inch. Hate to have the watch sticking to my arm.


macrumors 68000
Jul 16, 2015
Bellingham, WA
I prefer my band to be just snug enough that the watch doesn't rotate off center, but sometimes I will wear it a little looser. It depends on the band and what I'm doing. My sports band and my nylon band have holes that provide a fit that is snug without being tight. My leather band (third party) has holes spaced so the closest fit is just a bit looser than I would normally prefer. It's very comfortable, and heart rate still works. The only time it's an issue is when I'm wearing a jacket. The looseness makes it hard to push my jacket sleeve up to check the time.

I have one third party leather loop, and it makes me want to get more loop bands like a Milanese or the new Sports Loop. The loops are great for comfort because they are completely adjustable. You never have to choose between too tight or too loose if you are in between holes.
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