This requires iFile & PdaNet. These are what I've tested it with on the Mac.
1. Create Network
2. Connect your phone to that network (the wifi icon will not display on your phone).
3. Select "WiFi Router Mode" in PdaNet.
4. Launch iFile and choose Web Server, its the wifi icon at the bottom of your screen. It will display "Accepting connections at http://youriphonename.local:8080 or http://IPaddress:8080."
5. In your browser, enter "http://IPaddress:8080" for your url.
You will now see your phone's file system and you and upload or download to your hearts content.
1. Create Network
2. Connect your phone to that network (the wifi icon will not display on your phone).
3. Select "WiFi Router Mode" in PdaNet.
4. Launch iFile and choose Web Server, its the wifi icon at the bottom of your screen. It will display "Accepting connections at http://youriphonename.local:8080 or http://IPaddress:8080."
5. In your browser, enter "http://IPaddress:8080" for your url.
You will now see your phone's file system and you and upload or download to your hearts content.