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macrumors G5
Original poster
Oct 14, 2005
I want to create an icon on my iPad that launches Safari to the URL that displays "New Posts" here on MacRumors.

I have no clue how to do this. :eek:

The URL is:

Thing is, as soon as you surf to that URL, it updates to a new URL (that's for a specific search). So when you go to press the "+" button to add to Home Screen, the URL you really want saved is no longer there.

Any ideas would be appreciated. :eek:
Add Icon to Home Screen

With that page up in Safari, click the "+" at the top of the screen, next to the bookmarks symbol. A box pops down with 3 options. Click "Add to home screen". It creates an icon on your home screen. You can move it to whichever page you like. I just realized I'm writing "click" - it should be "tap"- old habits are hard to break.

I just scrolled down on the rest of your post, now I see you already knew that.
Sorry about that. I'll have to play with it too. I see what you mean.
I just tried on the iPhone and got it to work, but I'm not sure if it will work on the iPad. I typed the URL in and then hit Go, then as quick as I could, I hit stop. Then adding the link to the Home Page worked. It did not work the first time I tried but I eventually got it to work. One drawback is that the icon is blank since the page never loaded.
I just tried on the iPhone and got it to work, but I'm not sure if it will work on the iPad. I typed the URL in and then hit Go, then as quick as I could, I hit stop. Then adding the link to the Home Page worked. It did not work the first time I tried but I eventually got it to work. One drawback is that the icon is blank since the page never loaded.
That actually worked! Thanks :)
Add to home screen not working on ipad

Guys what if you are not able to " add to home screen" the ipad used to be able to do this but in the last few days I cant add to home screen,

I open Safari, click the "+" at the top of the screen, next to the bookmarks symbol. A box pops down with 2 options not the ( 3 ) options. like my iphone.

All i can see is Add Bookmark and mail Link to this page. My ipad did work for a few days, I'm not sure but if you have all available app spaces filled it may not allow you to add a Home screen short cut, I will delete a few apps to see if this works , but if anyone can shed some light on this it would be appreciated thanks, people.:apple:
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