Hello Friends,
I am iphone developer and developing one mac application now. This is my first project ever in mac platform.
I have to analyze the BPM of the songs files. I have done this work for MP3 using FMOD and SoundTouch library.
But i have to analyze for AAC (M4A ) also but this library doesn't support to AAC format.
I tried to search library for AAC(M4A) and i did not get any thing for that. So we if could convert this AAC file to MP3 file by programatically in cocoa then we could analyze the bpm of that file.
I tried to search for converting AAC to Mp3 in cocoa and i got FAAC library but there is no any documentation for integrating with cocoa and its too complex.
Does anyone know about any other library for analyze BPM for AAC in cocoa project.
Many Many Thanks.
I am iphone developer and developing one mac application now. This is my first project ever in mac platform.
I have to analyze the BPM of the songs files. I have done this work for MP3 using FMOD and SoundTouch library.
But i have to analyze for AAC (M4A ) also but this library doesn't support to AAC format.
I tried to search library for AAC(M4A) and i did not get any thing for that. So we if could convert this AAC file to MP3 file by programatically in cocoa then we could analyze the bpm of that file.
I tried to search for converting AAC to Mp3 in cocoa and i got FAAC library but there is no any documentation for integrating with cocoa and its too complex.
Does anyone know about any other library for analyze BPM for AAC in cocoa project.
Many Many Thanks.