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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2012
I have windows7 installed on a HDD in an optibay. When i am using OSX i don't need it mounted so i Unmount it. How can i boot into OSX with my Optibay unmounted without having to do it manually.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2012
I have figured out the code for anyone that needs it.

delay 3
do shell script "diskutil eject /dev/disk1s2"

I just ordered a second SSD today so i guess this won't be a problem for me anymore but if there is anyone else that could use this for an applescript.


macrumors member
Jul 7, 2012
Does this mean you can boot directly from an external drive with windows on it?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2012
Does this mean you can boot directly from an external drive with windows on it?

I have not tried that, but i will when i receive my new SSD and take the HDD out. Ill attach it to my seagate thunderbolt adapter.

I have replaced my Optical Drive with a second HDD and on that second HDD i have only my bootcamp windows. So there was no reason for me to have it constantly spinning when i would never use it logged in to OSX. I hardly ever use windows since it is horrible on battery and OSX just works better.

So the applescript code that i made will eject the windows HDD when OSX starts this way it will use less battery and also i don't have to listen to that loud spinning noise which is one reason i got an SSD. I just ended up getting a second SSD because i got used to my main drive and using windows on the HDD that came with my MBP just seemed too slow.

So the code just ejects the drive on OSX boot.
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