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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 17, 2009
I installed MakeitMine before to change the Carrier name but I uninstalled it because I installed Supreme Preferences and it can do the same thing. But now I don't want the carrier name anymore, I want to change it into a Logo, but the logo is missing because I used MakeitMine. So how can I fix this? Thank you so much in advanced!
Reinstall MakeItMine and set it to the default carrier. Then you can uninstall it again.

Thank you! Why didn't I think of that lol.. well since I already opened this topic, can someone quickly explain how and where I upload the downloaded Carrier Logo? Thanks
Change Carrier Logo on 3GS 3.0

Okay I've searched everywhere and I still can't find an answer. I want to change my carrier logo. How do I do that? I'm not just talking about the text, I know I can change that with Make It Mine. I'm talking about a picture. Can someone please show me how to do that? I will say thank you a million times!
Okay I've searched everywhere and I still can't find an answer. I want to change my carrier logo. How do I do that? I'm not just talking about the text, I know I can change that with Make It Mine. I'm talking about a picture. Can someone please show me how to do that? I will say thank you a million times!

There are several available in Cydia. For example there is an AT&T replacement logo. Not sure what others are available.

Check Status bar themes in Cydia.

Or, I found this in 5 seconds with Google...???

It's for older phones but sounds like it will work on new phones as they have the same files......

Basically you need to change the "Unkown" carrier logo. It's not as simple as changing a logo because there is no logo for your carrier. You need to make one. So here's how you do it:

1. You must have a 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 Jailbroken iPhone with SSH and BSD Subsystems.

2. Navigate to /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/Unknown.Bundle

3. Copy the carrier.plist to your desktop and create a copy of it

4. Convert the plist file here so you can edit it.

5. Search for: <key>AllowPrefixMatching</key> <false/> (there should be more
then one... Just take the first one.)

6. Replace <false/> with <true/>

7. Right under AllowPrefixMatching, there should be a <key>CarrierName</key>. This carrier, for me, is Vodafone. It might be different for you. You can actually edit any carrier name, be it AT&T, O2 or T-Mobile. Just make sure you set AllowPrefixMatching to True.

8. Replace Vodafone (or whichever carrier you picked) with your carrier. Note that this is case-sensitive.

9. Replace the Default and FSO.png of the carrier you change. So, if you changed Vodafone, you got to replace the Default and FSO Vodafone png.

10. For the logo that appears in the springboard, it is the FSO.png. For the logo that appears in applications, its the default.png. Once you replace the images, restart your iPhone.

You are going to have to come up with or make a png that will fit in the status bar.
Yes I've searched everywhere and couldn't find anything for the 3GS.. obviously I found stuff for older phones.. but nobody can confirm that it'll work on my 3GS and I don't want to restore my phone. Apple changed many things with 3GS, so that's why I'm asking if anyone has found a way to change Carrier Logos for the 3GS 3.0.

Plus I already tried installing carrier logos on Cydia and that's why I know there's something different with 3GS.
Yes I've searched everywhere and couldn't find anything for the 3GS.. obviously I found stuff for older phones.. but nobody can confirm that it'll work on my 3GS and I don't want to restore my phone. Apple changed many things with 3GS, so that's why I'm asking if anyone has found a way to change Carrier Logos for the 3GS 3.0.

Plus I already tried installing carrier logos on Cydia and that's why I know there's something different with 3GS.

I am pretty familiar with the system files, and I believe this will work for 3G and 3GS.

But, it's a lot of work.

Edit: I just SSH'ed into my 3G and all the exact same files are there.

If you want a custom png you will have to make or find one to fit in the status bar, drop it in and edit the plist to display your custom graphic.

It will work if you do it correctly.
ok.. i think i will try to attempt this.. right I'm stuck on the step where i have to edit the plist file. What program do i use to open the plist file?
there is an app on cydia that called fake carrier it allows you to change your carrier name when ever you want. it also allows you to do many other alterations.
there is an app on cydia that called fake carrier it allows you to change your carrier name when ever you want. it also allows you to do many other alterations.
this is the same as MakeitMine

is there an app that can put a picture in the carrier of like an apple :apple: ?
I did it on my 3GS by changing the carrier bundle file (IPCC) with one I downloaded from the net. You can do a search on google for "IPCC Install iPhone" to find out more about what the IPCC file is and how to change. It's not for the faint hearted though, but it does work :)
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