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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 21, 2005
What's the easiest (and cheapest) way to re-size images if you don't have Photoshop? What freeware do you recommend?

I'd like to make some little avatars out of larger images.
iPhoto will let you do this when exporting - it's not free but if you've gotten a Mac anytime recently you'll have it.
My version of Preview won't do it (the one that comes with Panther). You can change the file compression, but not the size. But you can use iPhoto to change the size, then use Preview to change the compression.

Or you can get the GIMP, decent open source photo app.

If you have a professional Mac, it should have come with graphic converter, which also does the trick.

There are also some online tools which will do this. I know Yahoo! photos allows you to resize as part of the uploading process. You don't have as many options, but it does work.
I don't know of any free tools that do this. I've used iPhoto before to do some resizing, via exporting or composing an e-mail, but it isn't the best. So, I always use ACDSee for all my editing needs, as Photoshop (and Elements for matter as well!) is overkill for what I need.
If you have Tiger, also Automator -> Preview scripts -> Scale Image. I actually don't see how you do it, even in Tiger, directly from Preview (I only see crop), but through Automator, it is possible, oddly....

I found that GIMP asked to much of me. I like it to create and edit images when I have the time, but ToyViewer handles my cropping and resizing. I've used it to make avatars quite often.
Just get Graphic-Converter, its shareware, but its a great program. Its been around for years on the Macintosh. It has more file-formats than I ever knew existed (including JPEG).
Eidorian said:

I found that GIMP asked to much of me. I like it to create and edit images when I have the time, but ToyViewer handles my cropping and resizing. I've used it to make avatars quite often.

I didn't klnow ahouit this app - looks pretty useful, and it's free! Thanks for the link, I'll add it to my collection. :cool:
~Shard~ said:
I didn't klnow ahouit this app - looks pretty useful, and it's free! Thanks for the link, I'll add it to my collection. :cool:
I found it while reading a review for Photoshop Elements 3.0. :D
~Shard~ said:
So were you contemplating purchasing AE at the time, or was this after you had already purchased it? ;)
I was just checking out a review. I don't really nee AE, unless I want to try out some tutorials. I've only brushed the surface in GIMP. The X11 requirement makes it annoying...
Eidorian said:
I was just checking out a review. I don't really nee AE, unless I want to try out some tutorials. I've only brushed the surface in GIMP. The X11 requirement makes it annoying...

Ah, cool. Just curious to see if you had unfortunately purchased AE and then found this free tool would do the job. D'oh! ;)
~Shard~ said:
Ah, cool. Just curious to see if you had unfortunately purchased AE and then found this free tool would do the job. D'oh! ;)
Just to resize and crop? I'm just looking for a Mac version of Irfanview for the PC.
Eidorian said:
Just to resize and crop? I'm just looking for a Mac version of Irfanview for the PC.

Gotcha. You'd be surprised though how many people mistakenly go out and buy something that's overkill because they don't look into their options properly. Luckily, neither of us are like that though. ;) :)
I have a copy (given to me) of photoshop elements (3) and I actually find it to be a very useful application. it's affordable and all the average user would ever need.

just my $.02

not that I am recommending this for the purpose stated here, but I wanted to stick up for little ole elements :p

ToyViewer looks like it might be useful for you, I didn't know about it before this either but it looks easy enough.
iBlue said:
I have a copy (given to me) of photoshop elements (3) and I actually find it to be a very useful application. it's affordable and all the average user would ever need.

just my $.02

not that I am recommending this for the purpose stated here, but I wanted to stick up for little ole elements :p

ToyViewer looks like it might be useful for you, I didn't know about it before this either but it looks easy enough.

And I wasn't trying to bash AE or anything, it;s a fine app - I was just pointing out that, again, in this case, it would be overkill to do what the user is wanting to do. :)
this might be off topic, but maybe you could forgive for asking.

the original question was how to change image sizes (this is by cropping or reducing image size by removing pixels, right?).

how about if i have a .jpg image and i want to increase its size, by adding more pixels. or better said, how can i make a small picture larger, without damaging quality?
redAPPLE said:
how about if i have a .jpg image and i want to increase its size, by adding more pixels. or better said, how can i make a small picture larger, without damaging quality?
Easy answer: You cannot. It's not possible to add something that's not there (that just works on shady TV shows where they "magically" zooms in and enhances the number plates of cars from ordinary surveillance footage off a VHS tape.)

The bit more helpful answer: Photoshop, and other image editing software, has filters to help whenever you need to blow up an image. Just don't expect too much, especially if you trying to blow it up by more than, let's say, 2-300%. After that everything gets blurry.
use iPhoto

Just checked iPhoto>Export; seems to me you can resize if you kow the pixel dimensions. My suggeestion is spend some money on Graphic Convertor (shareware) and use it since Photoshop is out of the question.

My $0.02
iPhoto is a joke, has a Photoshop user for 13 yrs I find that program to be useless. That was the first time I ever opened the app. I thought it would be a cool app but it is definitely geared toward non-creative types.
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