Just in case anyone else is interested....
in the /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mobilemail.plist, change the AutoFetchInterval value to what ever you want.
Just in case anyone else is interested....
in the /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mobilemail.plist, change the AutoFetchInterval value to what ever you want.
Sorry. I don't understand.
What does SFTP mean?
Browse where? Where is this thing called /private/var------?
Download from where?
Upload how?
I really don't get it.
Thanks. I realize this is something I just can't do. Mac's are supposed to be easy. iPhones are a different story I guess.
One last question. Where is /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences?
I'm determined to find that out.
Yeah. Please someone just tell me where in the phone it is. Why is this so hard to extract?
How do I edit these files? I am using FileZilla for browse my iphone, and I have found com.apple.mobilemail.plist but I'm not sure how to edit it... I made a copy on mylocal hard drive, and when I try to open, it sais there is no program associated with the file...
Update, I got the file to open with Notepad, but what do I changem i see:
What do I change????
I'm just frustrated that in several days of monitoring this thread, nobody has opened the door on exactly how to do this, for the average person with limited tech skills. I'll give this a try. Thanks.
Update: I downloaded Cyberduck. It won't connect to the iPhone.