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macrumors 601
Original poster
Apr 18, 2011
The play button works for the music app. That's fine. But when you have a youtube video in the back ground or foreground, the play button plays and stops the video instead. Is there a ay - via terminal or third party to change the play button functionality to always (and only) work with the music app, regardless of what other content you have opened on the foreground or background?

PS. Asking for OS10.15 (of cause).


macrumors 601
Original poster
Apr 18, 2011
Haven't used it in a long time but Karibiner might help you out.
I thank you for your suggestion. That has the option for "media keys to only control iTunes".
You can download/import this as an additional rule

However I think you can see the issue there. That is the old iTunes app. Catalina (I believe) moved away to separate media apps. I need a rule for the newer Music app. I do not see a rule for that on the Karibiner website.
I could write my own rule for this but I as not a coder by any stretch so if I can't wrap my head around that . .

. . . I will keep searching though for a solution.
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macrumors 601
Original poster
Apr 18, 2011
Does anyone have a solution for this?
I tried to write a rule for karibiner but totally failed. I am not a programmer/coder at all.

I do think a number of people here would benefit from this, if we can find a solution to this issue.
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