This is partially an Aperture vs. Lightroom question, but not completely, so I did not post in the sticky thread. I hope that doesn't offend anyone 
I have about 4800 images or so in iPhoto from various older cameras dating back about 10 years. Almost all, if not all, are JPEGs. I imagine there are probably any number of shots that are not great and can be deleted, but many are also from family events and vacations that I might keep for the memory.
I purchased a Sony NEX 6 about a year ago and not long ago started shooting RAW (or RAW & JPEG) and switched over to Aperture. I probably have about 700 images in Aperture. My files on iPhoto and Aperture are non-referenced. They are obviously in events, and a few have key words, but for the most part, they are otherwise kind of a mess. I am getting more interested in photography as a hobby and before everything gets completely out of hand in terms of organization, I need to set something up that makes sense.
At the same time, I am wondering if I should jump ship from Aperture to Lightroom because (1) some of the the Sony lenses really can use lens correction which is not available in Aperture except through a plug in like PT Lens, which results in huge TIFF files; and (2) Although I find Aperture somewhat intuitive due to my prior use of iPhoto, I have a lot to learn and don't have much time invested in it yet. So I wonder if I am going to spend my limited time learning a piece of software if Lightroom is the better bet.
I have few basic questions (with subparts, of course
): (1) how can I get a workflow going so that things are organized and I don't feel so overwhelmed with all of my current and future photos? Should I just ignore everything from before and move forward?
(2) In Aperture, I have a lot of imported RAW & JPEG pairs. For most photos I have used the RAW as the original, but for a few I have used the JPEG (primarily because of the in camera lens correction). Is there any way to easily delete the version of a photo I am not using?
(3) If I want to move over to Lightroom, will it be easy to do or, again, would I be better off leaving all of the photos I currently have in their current programs rather than transferring them over and just start fresh? And the controversial answerless question -- would you recommend Lightroom rather than spending my time learning Aperture? I am sure I can get used to either program if that is what I spend my time learning.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
I have about 4800 images or so in iPhoto from various older cameras dating back about 10 years. Almost all, if not all, are JPEGs. I imagine there are probably any number of shots that are not great and can be deleted, but many are also from family events and vacations that I might keep for the memory.
I purchased a Sony NEX 6 about a year ago and not long ago started shooting RAW (or RAW & JPEG) and switched over to Aperture. I probably have about 700 images in Aperture. My files on iPhoto and Aperture are non-referenced. They are obviously in events, and a few have key words, but for the most part, they are otherwise kind of a mess. I am getting more interested in photography as a hobby and before everything gets completely out of hand in terms of organization, I need to set something up that makes sense.
At the same time, I am wondering if I should jump ship from Aperture to Lightroom because (1) some of the the Sony lenses really can use lens correction which is not available in Aperture except through a plug in like PT Lens, which results in huge TIFF files; and (2) Although I find Aperture somewhat intuitive due to my prior use of iPhoto, I have a lot to learn and don't have much time invested in it yet. So I wonder if I am going to spend my limited time learning a piece of software if Lightroom is the better bet.
I have few basic questions (with subparts, of course
(2) In Aperture, I have a lot of imported RAW & JPEG pairs. For most photos I have used the RAW as the original, but for a few I have used the JPEG (primarily because of the in camera lens correction). Is there any way to easily delete the version of a photo I am not using?
(3) If I want to move over to Lightroom, will it be easy to do or, again, would I be better off leaving all of the photos I currently have in their current programs rather than transferring them over and just start fresh? And the controversial answerless question -- would you recommend Lightroom rather than spending my time learning Aperture? I am sure I can get used to either program if that is what I spend my time learning.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
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