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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 30, 2005
Hey all

I guess I will start from scratch. I have an PC which has hyperTerminal on it which I use to configure routers,switches and so on. Is there a program on a mac that I can console into it so I can finally get rid of my PC. I already found a tftp client to use but how can I see what is going on in the router. Like setting the ip address and so on
You'll need a special Cisco cable. It's really nothing special, but the pin out for the cable is not straight through. After you have the correct cable, you should be able to hit the "enter" key on your keyboard and you'll get a prompt something like this.


Reflow said:
Hey all

I guess I will start from scratch. I have an PC which has hyperTerminal on it which I use to configure routers,switches and so on. Is there a program on a mac that I can console into it so I can finally get rid of my PC. I already found a tftp client to use but how can I see what is going on in the router. Like setting the ip address and so on
I use Zterm and a serial-to-usb cable to connect to the console of our sun
servers. This should work for your cisco's as well, using a cisco serial cable
of course.
jaxstate said:
You'll need a special Cisco cable. It's really nothing special, but the pin out for the cable is not straight through. After you have the correct cable, you should be able to hit the "enter" key on your keyboard and you'll get a prompt something like this.


I have the blue cable just not the program
oblomow said:
I use Zterm and a serial-to-usb cable to connect to the console of our sun
servers. This should work for your cisco's as well, using a cisco serial cable
of course.

Do you know what the setting are on it. I downloaded it and it won't should any the comands on the router
generally 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit should work. select usbserial if you're using a serial-to-usb converter.
selecting usbserial in ZTerm

oblomow said:
generally 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit should work. select usbserial if you're using a serial-to-usb converter.

I am trying to use serial-usb cable to receive data to my PowerBook (which does not have a serial port). To make sure something is actually coming through, I installed ZTerm. But setting up ZTerm is a bit of a problem. Bauds, bits, parities and stop bits are not a problem. But "selecting usbserial"?

In windows the widget I am trying to connect to mac, is using com1 -port. In HyperTerminal connecting to com1 gives no problems. How do i do this in my mac?
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