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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 17, 2005
I have a program which is a PC file and is not available for mac. Is there any program (freeware) that I can download to convert PC to Mac? Thanks.
Romeo604 said:
I have a program which is a PC file and is not available for mac. Is there any program (freeware) that I can download to convert PC to Mac? Thanks.

nope. what's the program?
Democrat622 said:
nope. what's the program?

Its actually for school, its called "MicroCase". I have a mac laptop which i bring to school but this program is only avaible for PC but it says I can download an emulator to convert like virtual PC? Thanks.
Assuming you have a non-Intel Mac, you might be able to get it to work (slowly) in Q which is a free alternative to VPC.

balamw said:
Assuming you have a non-Intel Mac, you might be able to get it to work (slowly) in Q which is a free alternative to VPC.


Thanks for the quick reply. Yea i have a non intel mac, so there is no way i can actually convert the pc file into mac instead of running a program?
Romeo604 said:
Thanks for the quick reply. Yea i have a non intel mac, so there is no way i can actually convert the pc file into mac instead of running a program?

I'm not sure what you mean by converting the pc file to mac?

If you mean change the program to run on a mac, then no.
If you mean run software on your mac to be able to use this program, then your only options are Virtual PC (not free) or Q. As BalamW said, it'll be slow.

There are other statistical programs for mac (e.g., SPSS), but assuming you need that one for your class I think you'll need to head to a computer lab.
If it's a simple program, Q will work pretty well. I do suggest Virtual PC, but yeah, it's not cheap. I bought it back in the OS9 days and found it to be pretty pointless; it doesn't really work for games, and most PC apps have Mac versions that can open the docs for them...

Worth a shot to see if there is an X11 port or similar program on
disconap said:
If it's a simple program, Q will work pretty well. I do suggest Virtual PC, but yeah, it's not cheap.

. . . not to mention you also need a copy of the guest os to install (windows in this case).
That's why I recommend the computer lab route. You'll find you become much more efficient with the stats too ('cause you won't be able to wait to get back to the mac :D )
timmac said:
. . . not to mention you also need a copy of the guest os to install (windows in this case).

Well, you can (or at least, you USED to be able to) buy versions of Virtual PC that were the straight program, the program with Red Hat Linux, or the program with Windows. But the bundles were more expensive. I don't know if they even offer that now...
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