I want to create custom cursors on Mac and use them in an application I am porting to Mac. The problem is that the application expects the cursors to be in a rsrc file on Mac. I am new to programming on Mac. Could you please help me and explain how I can create the rsrc files. I have the corresponding png images for the cursors which I have to use to create the rsrc files.
I tried using the mighty mouse software to create the custom cursors ut it only allows me to save the cursors as gif images or .mightymouse files both of which are not of any use to me. So any clues would be very helpful.
I want to create custom cursors on Mac and use them in an application I am porting to Mac. The problem is that the application expects the cursors to be in a rsrc file on Mac. I am new to programming on Mac. Could you please help me and explain how I can create the rsrc files. I have the corresponding png images for the cursors which I have to use to create the rsrc files.
I tried using the mighty mouse software to create the custom cursors ut it only allows me to save the cursors as gif images or .mightymouse files both of which are not of any use to me. So any clues would be very helpful.