I have to ask, why? Can't you just ignore "Go to Folder..."?How do I delete Finder's "Go to Folder..." recents/history?
defaults delete com.apple.finder GoToField; defaults delete com.apple.finder GoToFieldHistory<return>
man defaults<return>
Thanks, it worked.As alternative to lukas.j you could execute the following in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal:
Code:defaults delete com.apple.finder GoToField; defaults delete com.apple.finder GoToFieldHistory<return>
<return> stands for hitting the return-key.
This will delete the GoToField and GoToFieldHistory entrees in the aforementioned com.apple.finder.plist
Meaning in Finder you will see the their menu's as cleared.
DEFAULTS (not case sensitive, capitals used here for clarity) is one of the most important commands used for Mac OS X (or macOS as we ought to say nowadays). You can see what it's supposed to do, by executing:
Code:man defaults<return>
in Terminal, or by searching the web, plenty of information.
Here is a quite extensive script which got a ton of great stuff in there.Thanks, it worked.
Is there any easy way for me to find the Terminal commands for other such small tasks myself?
# clearing the Go to Folder... menu items
alias nogo='defaults delete com.apple.finder GoToField; defaults delete com.apple.finder GoToFieldHistory'
# clear your clipboard
alias clear-clips='pbcopy < /dev/null'
# navigation waypoint
alias home='cd ~'
# hiding and showing dotted files, but not all are shown, some remain hidden in Finder!
# similar to the shift-command-. key chord
alias hide-dots='defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool FALSE;killall Finder'
alias show-dots='defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE;killall Finder'
# better to execute ls -a which will show _all_ in the current directory displayed in Terminal
# compare what Finder shows in your home directory after pressing shift-command-dot
# and what Terminal shows with cd ~; ls -a
# Hello Again .Trash
# show your screen saver, or take a nap
alias ss='open -a ScreenSaverEngine.app'
alias zzz='pmset sleepnow'
# for all saying Darwin is gone in macOS...
alias darwin='uname -a'
# open the profile for this shell
alias profile='open /Users/<your-home-folder>/.zshrc'
# personal preference and goodbye
alias bye=exit