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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 3, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Compiled irecovery for mac ready to use. I have looked for hours for this file so ill save you the trouble and post it on my idisk
I do not warranty this way nor i have tried it with the official release of 3.1, worked fine with beta that also had upgraded baseband so dont see why it wont work with 3.1. Worst comes to worst you can easily go back to 3.1 with itunes, you have nothing to risk.


I have had 3.1b base band running along with 3.1 firmware for months.
Here is what happened.

I have update to 3.1 beta one or two, don't remember and as soon as i downgraded to 3.1 in the middle of the downgrade it gives an error.
To downgrade find on google the 3.0 firmware for the iphone and download it, Hold the power + home for EXACTLY 10 sec then connect to your mac. After go to the iphone in the intunes and hold ALT (or Command) and click restore, this allows you to select the firmware file.
No worries the software is loaded and just cant be executed. What to do you may ask? First download the compiled file to your desktop. i don't remember if you need to put it into folder iRecovery or just leave the file on the desktop. Try both if one says that it failed to open or find the file, then do the other. Well after this process you will need to connect the phone to you mac in DFU mode. Hold the power + home for EXACTLY 10 sec then connect to your mac. Go to terminal in the utilities folder and enter following commands. Enter each separately

cd Desktop

iRecovery -s

as soon as you see a message "entering in Recovery Mode", type in the following


Bam this should boot your iphone back up and you can now activate it using itunes.

Questions? email me at

kam dot eugene at me dot com

EDIT: Link to irecovery
If you have iTunes 9 and a 3GS you're screwed. This method will not work. The minute you enter DFU mode, the iPhone disappears from iTunes and iRecovery will not see the iPhone. Apple screwed us. Hopefully DevTeam will come to the rescue.
If you have iTunes 9 and a 3GS you're screwed. This method will not work. The minute you enter DFU mode, the iPhone disappears from iTunes and iRecovery will not see the iPhone. Apple screwed us. Hopefully DevTeam will come to the rescue.

What if you have iTunes 9, the 3G and 3.1 upgrade?
What if you have iTunes 9, the 3G and 3.1 upgrade?

You can downgrade a 3G to 3.0 if you do it in DFU mode. You will have to ignore the error 1015 you will receive due to mismatched baseband.

Note: this will not allow you to unlock, only to jailbreak. Your baseband is permanently upgraded to 5.11.07, which currently has no prospects for an unlock.
You can downgrade a 3G to 3.0 if you do it in DFU mode. You will have to ignore the error 1015 you will receive due to mismatched baseband.

Note: this will not allow you to unlock, only to jailbreak. Your baseband is permanently upgraded to 5.11.07, which currently has no prospects for an unlock.

could you plz explain the difference b/w jailbreak and unlock for me.. i guess I'm newer at this than i thought :) THX
Jailbreak allows you to add applications that are not available from the app store. There are many applications that are really useful but that Apple, in their infinite wisdom, thinks we should not have. Unlocking allows you to use your iPhone with a carrier other than AT&T (in the US).

There are people who claim to downgrade 3.0. I have not been able to downgrade my 3SG, nor found verification that the 3GS could be downgraded. It seems that many web sites I have found on a Google search simply do a copy and paste rather than actually doing the downgrade themselves. As a result, they may add 3GS to the title without actually verifying the truthfulness. The resulting comments attest to the inaccuracies in many of these sites.
could you plz explain the difference b/w jailbreak and unlock for me.. i guess I'm newer at this than i thought :) THX

The JB let you add software not supplied by apple and lets you customise the look of your phone,

The unlock lets you use any network providers sim so you are not tied to att/O2 etc.

Grab this copy of iRecovery with the missing dylib file:
Extract it to desktop, then go to Terminal.
Type the following:
cd /usr
sudo mkdir local
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir lib
cd /usr/local/lib
sudo cp /users/YOURNAME/desktop/libusb-0.1.4.dylib .
sudo chmod 755 libusb-0.1.4.dylib
cd /users/YOURNAME/desktop
./iRecovery -s
Grab this copy of iRecovery with the missing dylib file:
Extract it to desktop, then go to Terminal.
Type the following:
cd /usr
sudo mkdir local
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir lib
cd /usr/local/lib
sudo cp /users/YOURNAME/desktop/libusb-0.1.4.dylib .
sudo chmod 755 libusb-0.1.4.dylib
cd /users/YOURNAME/desktop
./iRecovery -s

Not too bad once I found a working iRecovery download.
If you have iTunes 9 and a 3GS you're screwed. This method will not work. The minute you enter DFU mode, the iPhone disappears from iTunes and iRecovery will not see the iPhone. Apple screwed us. Hopefully DevTeam will come to the rescue.
Wait a minute. You're saying that it's impossible to recover from DFU mode, period, using iTunes 9 with a 3GS?
There are people who claim to downgrade 3.0. I have not been able to downgrade my 3SG, nor found verification that the 3GS could be downgraded.

No, it isn't possible to downgrade a 3GS, since Apple stopped signing the 3.0.x firmware. Saurik is nearing a solution that will allow people with hashes stored on his server to downgrade a 3GS; sadly, it is no longer possible to add your hash to his server (for the same reason you can't downgrade).

Wait a minute. You're saying that it's impossible to recover from DFU mode, period, using iTunes 9 with a 3GS?

No, just that you can only recover 3.1 ('though see above re: saurik's solution).
Grab this copy of iRecovery with the missing dylib file:
Extract it to desktop, then go to Terminal.
Type the following:
cd /usr
sudo mkdir local
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir lib
cd /usr/local/lib
sudo cp /users/YOURNAME/desktop/libusb-0.1.4.dylib .
sudo chmod 755 libusb-0.1.4.dylib
cd /users/YOURNAME/desktop
./iRecovery -s

OK.. so I want to try the recovery, but think I should back up my Iphone before i do that... I've never backed up my iphone, so could someone point me in the right direction so that I can make sure that I don't lose my contact in my phone etc.

If I have the contacts stored on my sim card will they be safe?
Thanks for all of ya'll's help :)
OK.. so I want to try the recovery, but think I should back up my Iphone before i do that... I've never backed up my iphone, so could someone point me in the right direction so that I can make sure that I don't lose my contact in my phone etc.

If I have the contacts stored on my sim card will they be safe?
Thanks for all of ya'll's help :)

May I be honest with you ?

I have read your posts, here and on several other threads with your "issues" with your 3GS and firmware 3.1

Based on what I have read in your posts, I want to give you friendly advice you are in way over your head. I even tried to help you on several other threads and you could not follow/understand our instructions or the tutorial instructions.

As a quick example, after days of trying to fiddle with your phone, you still did not know the difference between Jailbreak & Unlock.

Good luck if you try this. If your phone is working, I would just wait for a while, do some reading and research and wait for 3.1 JB tools to be released.

My advice is not meant to be negative, just trying to help you before you get your phone in a situation where it is unusable. Nothing worse than paperweight mode.
May I be honest with you ?

I have read your posts, here and on several other threads with your "issues" with your 3GS and firmware 3.1

Based on what I have read in your posts, I want to give you friendly advice you are in way over your head. I even tried to help you on several other threads and you could not follow/understand our instructions or the tutorial instructions.

As a quick example, after days of trying to fiddle with your phone, you still did not know the difference between Jailbreak & Unlock.

Good luck if you try this. If your phone is working, I would just wait for a while, do some reading and research and wait for 3.1 JB tools to be released.

My advice is not meant to be negative, just trying to help you before you get your phone in a situation where it is unusable. Nothing worse than paperweight mode.

Thank you for your constructive criticism.
I do completely agree that I am a total newbie at this. That is why I joined the forum.. to learn more and I appreciate everyone's help

If you'd like to point me in the direction where I can read up and research these topics I'd love it.

I dont want a paperweight either :)
Thank you for your constructive criticism.
I do completely agree that I am a total newbie at this. That is why I joined the forum.. to learn more and I appreciate everyone's help

If you'd like to point me in the direction where I can read up and research these topics I'd love it.

I dont want a paperweight either :)

Read the dev team blog. (Google it and it should be the top hit) The blog will have ALL the information you could possibly ask for.
I have tried this and about 6 other way, and i can't get my 3G back to 3.0 or 3.0.1 from 3.1. The dev-team says they are working on it.
I have tried this and about 6 other way, and i can't get my 3G back to 3.0 or 3.0.1 from 3.1. The dev-team says they are working on it.

You can bring a 3G (not 3GS) back to 3.0 or 3.01 (option + click upgrade, choose 3.0 or 3.01 IPSW), then use redsn0w pointed at 3.0 IPSW to re-JB.

However, this will not downgrade baseband so you cannot unlock.
I have tried this and about 6 other way, and i can't get my 3G back to 3.0 or 3.0.1 from 3.1. The dev-team says they are working on it.

It is all a bit confusing and way above my head too, but here is my advice having followed the method discussed above and successfully downgraded my iPhone 3G from 3.1 to 3.0.1.

1. Firstly download the .ispw file for 3.0 or 3.0.1 (its called iPhone1,2_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ispw) and stick it on your desktop.

2. Download the irecovery folder that contains a terminal icon thing called iRecovery, and another file called libusb-0.1.4.dylib. Take them both out of the folder and stick them straight onto the desktop.

3. Plug iPhone into Mac, launch iTunes (I used 8.2 so I don't know about V.9) and then put iPhone into DFU mode by holding home(front) and top buttons for ten seconds, then releasing top button but continuing to hold home button for a further ten seconds.

At this point the screen should be black (and its slightly terrifying) and iTunes will flash up that its detected a phone in recovery mode. It offers to restore your phone.

4. Click on restore button while holding option (or alt button) down. This tells iTunes that you want to choose your own install file. Select the .ispw file you downloaded and stuck on the desktop earlier and click ok.

After a stomach churning pause where nothing happens it will then start to restore, both by telling you on screen and then giving a progress bar on the phone screen.

5. When that is finished iTunes will flash up the error 1015. Don't panic! The clever bit comes next!

6. Launch a program called Terminal (you've got it in the Utilities folder).

Cut and Paste the following instructions line by line, pressing return after each line and (entering your password and then pressing return when asked):

cd /usr
sudo mkdir local
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir lib
cd /usr/local/lib
sudo cp /users/YOURNAME/desktop/libusb-0.1.4.dylib .
sudo chmod 755 libusb-0.1.4.dylib
cd /users/YOURNAME/desktop
./iRecovery -s

Don't forget to put your login name* in where it is written YOURNAME!
* it will be the name (without the dollar sign) at the beginning of each line of code after pressing return

Right! The iPhone will now reboot itself, and then to your horror it looks exactly like it did before... except it now has a slider and offers emergency calls. Hang on a minute.....iTunes is offering to activate the phone... let it, and we are nearly there. The phone will boot, show that its picked up a network, and if you check it will have loaded 3.0.1! Hurrah!

Hold your horses, we're not quite finished yet!!!! If you switch on or reboot the phone, it will need you to reactivate every time, which is no good at all.

Now plug it back in, and reenter DFU mode. Ignore the itunes moan (click cancel or quit it.)

Go back to Terminal, and either relaunch it or open another window.

Type (or cut and paste) the following instructions (entering return after each line like before):

cd desktop
setenv auto-boot true

The phone will then reboot and should be ok. (fingers crossed)
Now resync and reload apps etc.

Good luck.

Thanks to everyone who wrote or left comments at:
who found this solution.

P.S. This is pretty much how I did it, but I really was way in over my head. If you get stuck I can't help. Follow this advice at your own risk!
OMG I love you, jw12345678. I really do.

EDIT to jw12345678's WORKING How-to for iPhone 3G 3.1 downgrading to 3.0.1 using iTunes 9

And yes, you can use the tether hack again :D

I have attached the iRecovery files for those who need it.

Step 6 and the last step of reentering DFU mode can be combined into 1 simple step to have it always boot 3.0.1 (instead of recovery mode).

So step 6 is: Cut and Paste the following instructions line by line, pressing return after each line and (entering your password and then pressing return when asked):

cd /usr
sudo mkdir local
cd /usr/local
sudo mkdir lib
cd /usr/local/lib
sudo cp /users/YOURNAME/desktop/libusb-0.1.4.dylib .
sudo chmod 755 libusb-0.1.4.dylib
cd /users/YOURNAME/desktop
./iRecovery -s
setenv auto-boot true

Give it a few seconds and your phone will reboot.

(remember: replace YOURNAME with the name of your home folder & the end period in "sudo cp /users/YOURNAME/desktop/libusb-0.1.4.dylib ." is important)

And quoting jw12345678 once more "This is pretty much how I did it, but I really was way in over my head. If you get stuck I can't help. Follow this advice at your own risk!"

The link in his thank you section is helpful.


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