My Mac Pro graphics card just died
, but have a old 9800GT lying around.. From what i heard, 9800GT is a rebranded 8800GT so is it possible for me to flash 8800GT EFI32 rom onto this 9800GT? Is yes, how? Thanks!
More the likely the card will have a 64K EEPROM and would not be able to hold the file needed. SOme may work with Mac EFI rom but frequently the fan will run full speed as the controller changed in G92b.
If you are using 10.6, install ATY_Init.
If you are on 10.7.3 install the "Magic" Nvidia drivers and the card will work, just no boot screens.
Do some searching.
I don't mind the fan run at full speed but let say that it has 128k or larger EEPROM will i be able to flash it with a 8800GT EFI32 so that i can have the grey boot screen? Before this ive been using 1 x 6870 (unflashed), 1 x 6850(unflashed) and 1 x Nvidia 7300GT (as a helper card to get boot screen). Unfortunately, my 7300GT died. Right now i can boot but i don't get the Apple boot screen. Im thinking of getting the first batch of 9800GT that has the same die shrink as 8800GT.
EDIT: the card im buying has G92A not G92B
EVGA is only brand that usually has 128K chips.
I would not be very surprised if flash doesn't work...card needs to be very much like 8800 for flash to work.
The smaller ones with no power connector will NOT work.
More the likely the card will have a 64K EEPROM and would not be able to hold the file needed. SOme may work with Mac EFI rom but frequently the fan will run full speed as the controller changed in G92b.
If you are using 10.6, install ATY_Init.
If you are on 10.7.3 install the "Magic" Nvidia drivers and the card will work, just no boot screens.
Do some searching.