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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 24, 2007
Well I just found this out after a fresh new JB to 2.2.1 using CFW and can't wait to see if I'm the only one this happened has too. btw I have no idea how or where those files came from lol

I found this hilarious and joyful at the same time. In iTunes go to View Tab and check Size then click on size tab in music or your iPhone playlist and look at the large files, cuz some how I had like 8 50mb aiff files lol I just free'd up like 300mb lol
I think Laz395 was trying to point out that you may have unwanted files in iTunes that are syncing to your iPhone and taking up space and to check to see if you have any in your library that you forgot about or they somehow just got there. So thanks for the tip!

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