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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
Seattle, WA
I have done everything the bigboss has said except figure out how to fully delete 7.7 so that I can finish the Pwnage tool. I have itunes 7.5 downloaded, but every time I try to finish deleting 7.7 it says I can't delete "itunes helper" because it is in use. I am not even sure if this is the only problem. Does anyone know how to get rid of everything so I can finish uploading the new software to unbrick my iphone?

iphone 16gb gen1 BTW

Moderator: Please change the title to...Does anyone know...or something. Sorry for the typo.
Can't you just download 1.1.4, *option or control* click on restore, select 1.1.4 firmware and restore that way?
every time I try to finish deleting 7.7 it says I can't delete "itunes helper" because it is in use.
In /Applications/Utilities/ launch Activity Monitor
In the list of running processes, scroll down, find and select iTunes Helper
Click the Quit Process button
In the popup dialogue, click Force Quit
You can now delete the file.
Perfect! Thanks guys!!

Now can you by chance help me figure out how to know if my iTunes 7.5 still has the 7.7 drivers? You were right...I had 2.0 and am trying to go back to 1.1.4. Just keep getting the 1600 error.
I just did this last night. I had to use a Windows box to install 7.5 because removing 7.7 on my Mac was a pain in the ass and I couldn't figure it out.

I think I used about 4 different tools to hack the phone but eventually I got 1.1.4 on it.
I just did this last night. I had to use a Windows box to install 7.5 because removing 7.7 on my Mac was a pain in the ass and I couldn't figure it out.

I think I used about 4 different tools to hack the phone but eventually I got 1.1.4 on it.

Windows is coming up with the same errors...Did you complete all the steps and use all the tools on Windows, or did you just import the file from pwnage and shift right click it?
Installing/running itunes has the same errors? The database file (That comes up with the error when you start itunes) is located in your user directory under the music folder. In there is an itunes folder. Delete that then itunes will open and run.

After that, hold shift and select the 1.1.4 firmware and restore. (I used the regular firmware). I then put the phone back into restore mode, plugged it into my Mac and ran Ziphone to jailbreak/unlock the phone. I tried 3 other jailbreaking apps (on Win and Mac) and none of them unlocked the phone and installed on the phone. Ziphone was the only one that worked.
Perfect! Thanks guys!!

Now can you by chance help me figure out how to know if my iTunes 7.5 still has the 7.7 drivers? You were right...I had 2.0 and am trying to go back to 1.1.4. Just keep getting the 1600 error.

I got stuck with a 1604 error myself. After a clean install of os x, clean install of 7.5, upgrade then down from 7.7 to 7.5, even tried to add a new account, I was still stuck with the 1604 error. I give up, I'll just wait for the devteam release. :(
no service solution

Six days it took messing around to find this...

This is a simple version of several thousand million various attempts, cobbled together from some hundred or so posts, some bogus, some unreadable, in order to convince my iPhone that the sim card actually does work...

Being Irish, I would prefer to be out drinking than spending countless nights infront of my Mac.. Anyway here goes...

The downloads you will need are; (Download all of these to the desktop for your own sanity)
iTunes 7.5
Iphone 1.1.4 Firmware
iBrickr (This is windows ONLY)
Ziphone 3

Ok so you've downloaded all of these, lets get started...

1. Upgrade your iPhone to Version 2 software through iTunes as normal, and wait for the Sim locked message. You need to do this to normalise your iPhone again incase any previous messing around did anything nasty.

2. Uninstall iTunes if it is a higher version than 7.5 and install iTunes 7.5 (You need to do this to avoid the annoying Error 1604). Some of you may have a problem on the mac when downgrading to iTunes 7.5 (Library error). You need to go to finder click on /Users/Username/Music/iTunes you should see the "iTunes Library" file. MOVE it somewhere safe. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DELETE THIS FILE, if you do you will have to redo all your playlists etc, believe me I made this mistake (Thank God for Time Machine!!). iTunes 7.5 should launch away

3. Restore your iPhone to 1.1.4. Do this by docking your iPhone and hold down the Option key (Mac) or Shift key (PC) and click on restore. Point iTunes to the 1.1.4 firmware you downloaded earlier. Sit back and relax, you deserve a coffee.

4. Don't panic, you should get an "Error 10xx", usually 1015, this is ok. Take a sip of coffee, a deep breath and proceed.

5. Load up iBrickr, you will need a PC for this if you have a Mac or just fire up Parallels / VMWare. Luckily I had access to an old laptop. iBrickr should recognise your iPhone as being connected.

6. iBrickr (V0.91) has only two options, click the "Boot phone" button. The screen will turn red, this is normal, be patient it takes a couple of minutes to reboot.

7. You should now have have a 1.1.4 iPhone with a baseband from V2 (Who cares, its technical and we don't need to get into it here)

8. Run ZiPhone and use the "Do it all" option. Make another coffee, this takes 10 minutes or more.

9. You now have a jailbroken phone, with a "No Service" problem. Great.

10. Load up KiPhone. click on "iErase" (Mac) or "debug boot" and "Erase baseband" (PC). I HAD MORE SUCCESS WITH THE PC VERSION. The Mac version hung twice, it's your choice but for your own sanity maybe try the PC Version.

11. Enjoy, you should have full service back.

12. Dock with iTunes, it will ask you if you want to upgrade your iPhone, make sure to click the "Do not ask me again" button and click don't upgrade. Otherwise you will be back at square one.

13. Drink lots of beer, Apple you should be ashamed of yourselves, I wasted the majority of six days of my life to get this problem sorted. Pity-full. :mad::mad::mad:
lol, I started drinking before I attempted the downgrade process so it only took me 3-4 hours before I got it to work.

Moral of the story, Beer.
The questions is can you use something other than Ziphone. Too many people are saying you will have bigger issues by using it. If I have to use it to get this unbricked I will just wait for the dev team.
Ziphone, yes or no?


I think its fine, I have used it on a few different phones with no problems. At least it doesn't replace the apple with a pineapple like Pwnage Tool!!

I agree that some people seem to hate it, but I think they all do more or less the same thing.

Its your choice, but why wait..
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