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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 8, 2010

I just noticed in some threads that some people got the USA manufactured models, how do you go about getting them?

the usa build ones are exactly build from the same parts from china so they will have the same problems ;)
Mine was made in the US (California). The factory (as seen in the serial) is QC.

I was also wondering why mine was made there.. the only leads I have is that I ordered through the developer program, and I spoke to someone else who ordered through the "friends and family" program, and theirs was also a US made iMac (both were perfect).

More realistically though, it's probably just random and related to supply, location, etc.
Mine was made in the US (California). The factory (as seen in the serial) is QC.

I was also wondering why mine was made there.. the only leads I have is that I ordered through the developer program, and I spoke to someone else who ordered through the "friends and family" program, and theirs was also a US made iMac (both were perfect).

More realistically though, it's probably just random and related to supply, location, etc.

Just an idle thought but maybe the ones coming through with a US country of origin are refurb models, checked and new firmware installed with a "new" serial number? Why would Apple have a full production line in China producing thousands of iMacs but then also have a production line in California seemingly producing a handful of iMacs?
Here's a theory of how it works I came across:

The "Regular" standard models are labeled "China" or wherever the country of origin is. These came straight from the factory.

The custom configured models that you special order with upgraded CPUs and possibly video cards, memory or pre-installed programs are configured here in the US and get a "USA" label.

I don't know if the "custom configured" Macs are standard models that have been disassembled here for upgrades or completely assembled here from scratch. I tend to believe the disassembled theory.

Have Fun,
Does it even matter? I don't think a one mac pro is superior to another mac pro just because of the location in which it was made (using the same components).
My new imac is also from the US. It is custom configured 27" i7 2TB drive and 8GB ram. I think this is the reason its from the US as someone else pointed out.

It still has the yellow tint on the lower 1/2 of the screen. Yellow tint doesn't bother me so I'm not going to play the "try my luck with an exchange" game. This computer is amazing, runs Aperture 3 flawlessly and also runs Win7 very well.

Trying to get one from the US vs China isn't going to guarantee anything about it quality wise.
My new imac is also from the US. It is custom configured 27" i7 2TB drive and 8GB ram. I think this is the reason its from the US as someone else pointed out.

That means nothing, mine is a custom ordered i7 4gb 1tb ordered back when they were annouced in Oct'09 if memory served me correctly all the pre-ordered i7s shipped from Shanghai.

Besides, if they were "made in usa" that just simply means American hands assembled it, all the components are from foreign sources anyway.:rolleyes:
Here's a theory of how it works I came across:

The "Regular" standard models are labeled "China" or wherever the country of origin is. These came straight from the factory.

The custom configured models that you special order with upgraded CPUs and possibly video cards, memory or pre-installed programs are configured here in the US and get a "USA" label.

I don't know if the "custom configured" Macs are standard models that have been disassembled here for upgrades or completely assembled here from scratch. I tend to believe the disassembled theory.

Have Fun,

I've been through 2 custom Mac Pros, and they're both labelled "China". Either your theory is flawed, or my place is relatively close to China so to speak... :D
Just an idle thought but maybe the ones coming through with a US country of origin are refurb models, checked and new firmware installed with a "new" serial number? Why would Apple have a full production line in China producing thousands of iMacs but then also have a production line in California seemingly producing a handful of iMacs?

I purchased a 27 i7 from a apple store that was a USA week 17, when the screen was dark it had a white spot that could not achieve the level of darkness of the rest of the screen. They store only recently began stocking the i7, but when I wanted another i7, they only had week 9s. Didn't apple say that they couldn't meet demand on these units, how could this be true if two month old units are arriving now at stores. Shouldn't week 9s been sold months ago?
I wish I knew.
I really want Apple to bring jobs back to the US. Honestly, everything is made in China, therefor no one will ever complain to the manufacturer about defects in their product, but if they were made in the USA people would go down there and knock on their door and say 'hey what the hell is this?!' so they would be forced to fix the problem or recall every single product for the public.

But since it's made in China at some unknown location, no one will ever be able to do that, so Apple, as well as many other counties, will keep on getting away with stuff like this.

Oh and also, they pay the workers less than $2 per hour. I'm sure that's also a part of it, when in the states they would have to pay at least $8
I wish I knew.
I really want Apple to bring jobs back to the US...........

Oh and also, they pay the workers less than $2 per hour. I'm sure that's also a part of it, when in the states they would have to pay at least $8

$2 per hour..... you are being generous.
AFAIK, Mac Pros are still made in USA, not sure though. Others are mainly made in Taiwan and China though

No, every Mac is "made" in China - at least the bare minimum. If you order a custom machine, you may get one that has the CTO stuff added at a regional centre.

My Mac Pro (and previous MPs, and G5s) have all been "assembled" in Cork, Ireland. However, all that happens is that a stock tower is sent to Cork, picked off the shelf for my order and then customised with my options. They then stick a CKxxxxxxx serial number on, and job done. All the "hard" work of actually making the computers is done in China.
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