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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 28, 2016
Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone, I bought a new macmini and have connected to the time capsule which was backing up the old macmini before.

Now, how can I get all files from the time capsule to my new macmini?



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I don't have a time capsule and there may (or may not) be differences in restoring from a tm backup drive vis-a-vis restoring from a networked drive (which is what a time capsule is, is that right?).

But I will assume that Apple's setup assistant will recognize a time capsule and do a migration/restore from it just as if it were a "standalone" drive.

So... I would suggest this (in the order presented):
1. When the new Mini arrives, take it out of the box and set it up on the table, but DO NOT PRESS the power-on button yet.

2. Connect the time capsule directly to the Mini using an ethernet cable.

3. NOW press the power-on button for the first time.

4. Begin clicking through the setup process. At the appropriate moment, setup assistant will ask if you wish to migrate from another drive, a backup, etc.
YES, you want to do this.

5. So.... "aim" setup assistant at the time capsule. Give it time to "digest" everything... be patient.

6. Setup assistant should present you with a list of stuff to migrate. I would just accept the default... in other words, "everything".

7. Now, let setup assistant "do its thing", migrating all your stuff over. It will take a little while, so be patient.

8. When done, you should see the login screen, as you did before.
So... log in and "look around".
Do things look OK?
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