Well I tried doing a restore on iTunes and now I am getting all sorts of errors and when I try to downgrade to 1.1.1 in iTunes 7.5 i get an error 1604 saying that it can't install it. Then I try to use iNdependence and it says that it has an error registering for callbacks from iphone. I am able to restore it to 1.1.3 in iTunes 7.6. I have a feeling I have bricked my iphone. Does anyone know a solution? Is it possible to restore my iPhone back to what it was out of the box and start this unlocking process from scratch? Or maybe, if I took it to the Apple Store and told them it wasn't connecting to my computer would they give me a new one or would they see that at one time it was jailbroken.
Please someone offer up some advice, I have a 450 dollar paperweight in front of me right now and I am f***ing pissed at myself. I did the unlocking fine and it worked perfectly, but I installed a 3rd party app and my phone didn't like it and went into recovery mode.