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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 9, 2008
I installed the iElegance theme yesterday, but removed the top date and time bar. I wanted to get the date back on my Calendar icon and the developer said he would post the info but he hasnt yet and I didnt want to bother him again. Supposedly it was just a change to info.plist that had to be made, but I dont know how to make that change.

Does anyone here know what I have to do in order to get the number date back on top of my Calendar icon? If not, I'll wait for the developer to get around to it, but figured I would just ask here anyway in case someone else knew. Thanks.
I don't have that installed, but you would do something along these lines...

1. Download the plist to your computer

2. Look for code regarding the date

3. Fix it and upload back to the same place.

You'll have to google for specific info on how to do those things.
Easy way: delete the info.plist file. Note that you will lose the other custom settings like dock/undock label style, etc.

Harder way: open the info.plist file with any text editor and delete the CalendarIconDateStyle key.

Harder way: open the info.plist file with any text editor and delete the CalendarIconDateStyle key.

That controls the Date on the calendar icon, I thought the OP was talking about the status bar time info.

If we're talking about the icon day and date the plist probably just has the color listed as transparent or the visibility turned off. You have to delete the key line AND the string line of code.

PS. Don't forget to make a duplicate of that file before editing.
Well, there must be a script somewhere else in a file, because not only have I tried to change the color in the CalendarIconDateStyle and CalendarIconDayStyle of the info.plist file, but I also tried to delete both of the strings and keys and I still cant get it to show. If anyone has anything else I can try, pls let me know.
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