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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 15, 2007
#1 Step one, Buy 100 shares of T
#2 Use dividends to pay 3G bill (Dividends total to 14 bucks a month)
enough to pay for most of the 15 dollar wireless package.

And you get your capital appreciation on your stock over the years, and the dividends will increase to match inflation. So if AT&T decides to raise the 3G prices, your dividends will go up due to more dividend payout.

You can also sell one covered call contract to boost your cash income and get more money to pay the 3G service. For example the October 27 strike contract and collect another cool 95 bucks.

so (95 + 168 = 263/12) = 21 bucks - 15 dollar 3G monthly expense = 6 dollars net credit.

So your 15 dollar plan gets subsidized by Wallstreet, you pocket the 6 bucks extra and use it to buy apps or 6 songs a month if you want.

Even better you can do these transactions on your iPad :)
#1 Step one, Buy 100 shares of T
#2 Use dividends to pay 3G bill (Dividends total to 14 bucks a month)
enough to pay for most of the 15 dollar wireless package.

And you get your capital appreciation on your stock over the years, and the dividends will increase to match inflation. So if AT&T decides to raise the 3G prices, your dividends will go up due to more dividend payout.

You can also sell one covered call contract to boost your cash income and get more money to pay the 3G service. For example the October 27 strike contract and collect another cool 95 bucks.

so (95 + 168 = 263/12) = 21 bucks - 15 dollar 3G monthly expense = 6 dollars net credit.

So your 15 dollar plan gets subsidized by Wallstreet, you pocket the 6 bucks extra and use it to buy apps or 6 songs a month if you want.

Even better you can do these transactions on your iPad :)

How is it free if you buy 100 Shares of T at todays price of 26.38?
What happens if the stock goes up to 28.00 per share?
Why would you sell a near month call rather than one that is next to the last expiration date?
The dividend rate can be changed at any time as well.
What if the stock tanks and goes to $13.00?
What about the commission on the trades?
Or you can buy the lotto, and once you win, everything will be free lifetime...
I do this often with apple stock. Specially around new releases.
If played right my earning worth of a day of day trading can give me a good discount off my apple product.

I have been doing this with AT&T since 2007. Great advise..
OP: Awesome! Pure and simple!

And to answer someone's previous question.. if the stock goes down, the dividend will increase. So as long as you dont sell, you should be set.
How is it free if you buy 100 Shares of T at todays price of 26.38?
What happens if the stock goes up to 28.00 per share?
Why would you sell a near month call rather than one that is next to the last expiration date?
The dividend rate can be changed at any time as well.
What if the stock tanks and goes to $13.00?
What about the commission on the trades?

Add "what about capital gains tax?" to the list.
OP: Awesome! Pure and simple!

And to answer someone's previous question.. if the stock goes down, the dividend will increase. So as long as you dont sell, you should be set.

The dividend will not increase. The annual yield will increase based on the proportion of the dividend paid to the lowered share price. For god's sakes people don't get investment advice on macrumors!!!
#1 Step one, Buy 100 shares of T
#2 Use dividends to pay 3G bill (Dividends total to 14 bucks a month)
enough to pay for most of the 15 dollar wireless package.

Errrrrr..... That's a year, not a month. What biz skool did u go to? Actually it's closer to $17, so buy, buy, buy. :rolleyes:
Well, who's better than sir Hugo Drax when it comes to stock advice? :D

Didn't work out too well in the novel, though...
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