I'm using a iPhone 3G redsn0w'ed T-Mobile
You need a Unactivated ATT Sim
Take out your T-Mobile SIM and Pop in your Unactivated ATT Sim card (Just found out any ATT Sim is ok).
Restore Using iTunes
Jailbreak with redsn0w
Go to settings and turn off your 3G!
You should get a "Waiting for activation." message, dismiss it and Open cydia.
Setup Cydia and all the hoopla.
Add the Ultrasn0w source repo666.ultrasn0w.com
Install Ultrasn0w and turn off your phone
Remove the unactivated ATT sim and insert your T-Mobile sim
Turn on the phone, once you receive service you should get the message. "iPhone has been activated"
from modmyi forums
can someone try this out? i just unlocked my iphone and i would like to know if i can use pwnage tool
i would do it but im not sure where to get an unactivated ATT SIM