So, I jail broke my phone, but there are too many problems with it. Everything is slow and just feels broken. Going to try the new jail broken firmware. There aren't any apps that make jailbreak worth it as of right now. So my question is how do i go back to a regular firmware. Do i just go shift-restore to stock firmware, or do i put it in DFU and then load up the stock firmware. The reason i mention DFU because i believe that is the mode before the os loads up so hence it would clear the boot images, unlike putting in restore mode that would show the boot images? so would shift-restore mode work to clear boot images?
Also can i restore straight to 2.1 or should i restore to 2.0 then upgrade to 2.1?
Also can i restore straight to 2.1 or should i restore to 2.0 then upgrade to 2.1?