I feel for you. The tables look OK and in some ways, they're almost already done.
If I didn't have much time, was being paid little, and I was laying out the publication all in mono, I'd set the entire publication in Arial, much as they've used there in that table to keep some consistency. Arial is a horrible face but if the work is done and that's what the client is expecting, don't waste your time redoing them if the measure (column width) fits your format.
You've just got to keep an eye on any footnotes that are marked up in the tables and how they fall in the layout. End-notes, rather than footnotes, might be more useful here.
Then I'd make proper PDFs from the Word document through Distiller ensuring the fonts were all embedded, then I'd place the tables into InDesign.
If I had all the time in the world, I'd lovingly redo each table in colour and set the entire project in typefaces of my choosing.
The graphs will need redoing in Illustrator but honestly, it depends on how much time you have to do the job. If I only had one day to do the entire job, I'd be cutting corners left, right and centre, rasterising the supplied graphs at 1200ppi in either greyscale or CMYK and making sure they weren't downsampled when producing a press PDF.
In a job like this, I usually set the type out properly, leaving fixed and set spaces marked up for the graphic elements, then send it out for a first copy proof while I get on with the figures. This usually buys a day or two while you get on with other things.
The path you take is all relative to deadlines, money, client's expectations, target audience etc.