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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 17, 2008
Guam, Mariana Islands, U.S.A.
It seems that in El Capitan, Apple has linked together the options "Increase contrast" and "Reduce transparency" in the "Display" pane of the "Accessibility" prefs pane.

While you can enable "Reduce transparency" by itself, you cannot enable "Increase contrast" by itself. As some of you may know, the minute that you enable "Increase contrast", the "Reduce transparency" box is also automatically enabled as well, and then grayed out so that you cannot disable it.

I want to be able to enable "Increase contrast" alone, because if "Reduce transparency" is enabled, it makes my Dock look ugly. Please see my previous post regarding my current Dock setup.

The following Terminal command is supposed to control the "Reduce transparency" option, but apparently does not work in El Capitan:

defaults write reduceTransparency -bool true

If you set that command to "false", you would think that it would disable "Reduce transparency", but it does not. You can confirm this for yourself by looking in the aforementioned location.

It seems that Apple constantly changes allowable Terminal commands with each major OS upgrade that it releases, which really makes things a bit confusing for end users . . . or maybe it is to keep us at a disadvantage, so that we can't customize our machines the way that we like. ;)

Anyway, if anyone knows any El Capitan Terminal commands which will allow "Increase Contrast" to work independently of "Reduce Transparency", that would be great.

Also, unless I am mistaken, the "Increase contrast" option and the "Display contrast" slidebar on the Display pane on the Accessibility prefs pane are not the same thing.

Is there possibly even a command that uses an integer with "Increase contrast" -- as opposed to true/false -- so that the "Reduce transparency" option won't be affected, and will remain disabled?

Thanks in advance.

I hope that wasn't too confusing. :)
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