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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 23, 2016
Okay, so my relative wanted to wipe an old Macbook Pro so that my Dad could use it, but said relative forgot to reinstall the OS. So, after much frustration, I have managed to get Windows running on the Macbook Pro (since I had an Installation Disk sitting around, I had to delete all the partitions and format the HD to get it installed) but I still can't get El Capitan onto the Mac even with a bootable USB that has the installer in it (It gets stuck with the Apple logo and a full progress bar when I try to boot the Macbook Pro from the EFI). Anyone can give me a step by step on how to partition it via Windows and install El Capitan from there? Help would really be appreciated.

EDIT: My Macbook Pro is a 2009 model.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2015
You can install OS X to any drive that is on bootable interface (USB3 etc)

You could then clone or save Windows partition image and wipe the drive if you want to - as another alternative.


macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2013
Also, you are not going to "easily" re-partition it using Windows. You can partition it using the "internet recovery." You may have issues trying to get windows to boot, once you get the partitioning done, and OS X running. It might ease the process , after you install OS X to install one of these:

or the older <- no longer maintained or updated

The best and easiest way, would be to completely wipe the drive using internet recovery, install OS X, set it up, and run BootCamp Assistant from the Utilities folder to setup windows.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 23, 2016
Turn off your mac, then turn it on and do this:

  1. Immediately after hearing the Mac boot chime, hold down Command+Option+R – if you see the Apple logo you waited too long and need to reboot and try again* (Note: this was snagged directly from the link posted below.)

For more detailed instructions:
Hi! Thanks for replying. I just read through the link and it said that this method doesn't quite work with older Mac models. I'm guessing that Macbook Pro 2009 might be a bit too old for internet recovery?
You can install OS X to any drive that is on bootable interface (USB3 etc)

You could then clone or save Windows partition image and wipe the drive if you want to - as another alternative.
Thanks for the reply! Does the Mac also need to have USB 3? Right now my main problem is that when I try to boot it up using the El Capitan Installer, it gets stuck eventually and doesn't seem to do anything for hours.


macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2015
2011 was when internet recovery / install was first offered and is built in the firmware
usb3 and sata3 and therderbolt as well, usb3 is just faster and makes running os x more pleasure and effective as well as cloning

what method for the installer? Lion Diskmaker and its updates work well.


macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2013
Hi! Thanks for replying. I just read through the link and it said that this method doesn't quite work with older Mac models. I'm guessing that Macbook Pro 2009 might be a bit too old for internet recovery?

That is completely possible. I thought slightly about that, though I could not place exactly long internet recovery has been around.

You might also try making a new bootable USB drive. I am not sure how you created the one that you used, but you can try using DiskMaker X. That usually works pretty well.

Do you have another Mac available? If so you can make it on there. You might (depending on what machines you have) be able to boot the iMac in "Target Disk Mode" and boot the in
2011 was when internet recovery / install was first offered and is built in the firmware
usb3 and sata3 and therderbolt as well, usb3 is just faster and makes running os x more pleasure and effective as well as cloning

what method for the installer? Lion Diskmaker and its updates work well.

Isn't Lion DiskMaker, the old name for DiskMakerX. ( I think they got tired of changing the name each time a new release came out. )
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