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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 22, 2009
Miami, Florida
Some may already know but I'm new to all of this. I have an iPhone 3G (3.0). Cydia and Winterboard are already on the phone.

How do I get and install themes?

I found one on and I see you download a zip folder but don't see any instructions on how to install it.

Can someone please be so kind as to help me out. I don't know how to install a theme. Don't really know where to get them either. And don't know anything about Winterboard.

Thanks in advance!

Open Cydia go to sections, pick themes complete and browse what you would like.. hit install and confirm and they downlown to winterboard.

When you open winterboard you tap against the themes you want and close, the phone should then respring and have the theme showing.

Have a play with a couple and if you dont like them delete them.

Have fun :)


Open Cydia go to sections, pick themes complete and browse what you would like.. hit install and confirm and they downlown to winterboard.

When you open winterboard you tap against the themes you want and close, the phone should then respring and have the theme showing.

Have a play with a couple and if you dont like them delete them.

Have fun :)


Thank you so much! I'm going to try those now. If you don't like a theme, can it be easily deleted?

And what about themes downloaded through the internet and not your phone? Like this one:
Thank you so much! I'm going to try those now. If you don't like a theme, can it be easily deleted?

And what about themes downloaded through the internet and not your phone? Like this one:

I'm pretty new to JB and Winterboard too, but you can easily delete themes by going into Cydia>Manage>Packages and from there just select your theme from the list. Then select modify from the top right corner and remove. Not sure about themes downloaded through internet.
Hi Lissi! This is floridasun8 from tPf.

If you dont find any themes in Cydia that you like and want to download one, you will have to SSH into your phone to install it.

You will want to download OpenSSH from Cydia (dont worry if it doesnt put an icon on your springboard, it isnt supposed to). If you are on a Mac, open Cyberduck from applications. Click on SSH from the dropdown menu, put in your phone's ip address (retrieved from Settings>Wifi>Select your network), then use root as the username and alpine as the password.

Once you are into your phone, go to the root directory (/), then click on Librarys, then Themes. You will want to drop the entire unzipped theme package into this directory. Once there, you should be able to go into Winterboard and turn it on.

If you need any additional help, post here or you can also always pm me here or at tpf.

yea easy to delete, just go into Cydia then manage and select packages. from there you can delete any you dont like.

Not sure on the downloaded ones as I have not used them, sorry

Hi Lissi! This is floridasun8 from tPf.

If you dont find any themes in Cydia that you like and want to download one, you will have to SSH into your phone to install it.

You will want to download OpenSSH from Cydia (dont worry if it doesnt put an icon on your springboard, it isnt supposed to). If you are on a Mac, open Cyberduck from applications. Click on SSH from the dropdown menu, put in your phone's ip address (retrieved from Settings>Wifi>Select your network), then use root as the username and alpine as the password.

Once you are into your phone, go to the root directory (/), then click on Librarys, then Themes. You will want to drop the entire unzipped theme package into this directory. Once there, you should be able to go into Winterboard and turn it on.

If you need any additional help, post here or you can also always pm me here or at tpf.


I'm assuming this will make more sense when I get home and actually try this out. I have CyberDuck on my MacBook? I'll look for it when I actually have it in front of me. I have no idea what that is but it's named cute. LOL! Thank you. I'll PM if I get totally lost.
Hi Lissi! This is floridasun8 from tPf.

If you dont find any themes in Cydia that you like and want to download one, you will have to SSH into your phone to install it.

You will want to download OpenSSH from Cydia (dont worry if it doesnt put an icon on your springboard, it isnt supposed to). If you are on a Mac, open Cyberduck from applications. Click on SSH from the dropdown menu, put in your phone's ip address (retrieved from Settings>Wifi>Select your network), then use root as the username and alpine as the password.

Once you are into your phone, go to the root directory (/), then click on Librarys, then Themes. You will want to drop the entire unzipped theme package into this directory. Once there, you should be able to go into Winterboard and turn it on.

If you need any additional help, post here or you can also always pm me here or at tpf.

Is it normal to get unknown host key warnings with the option to Allow or Deny?

I told it to Allow. I'm assuming that is normal since the theme worked! Hooray! It's super cute!

Thank you!
It's awesome. I love the MacBook Theme I found. Sadly, the cool affect its supposed to have on the SMS messaging window isn't working (neither in the blue nor the pink theme).

I also guess that a lot of themes haven't been fixed for 3.0 yet. I found some cute replacements for the lock screen and charging battery but they don't work. =(
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