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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 2, 2012
I have 5 x Mp4 video files I want to join into 1 file that plays from start to end, is that possible, if so, how?
Import your .mp4 files into iMovie first. Then make a new project, drag your files to the timeline back-to-back and then export the movie.

I am using iMovie '11 and it's taking 11 minutes to import 195MB of MP4 video files????:eek:

And then another 3 minutes to generate thumbnails???

Why so slow? And any way to speed it up?
I am using iMovie '11 and it's taking 11 minutes to import 195MB of MP4 video files????:eek:

And then another 3 minutes to generate thumbnails???

Why so slow? And any way to speed it up?

The older the processor in your computer is, the longer it will take iMovie to get things done. If you think 11 minutes is too long to wait, I wouldn't even bother exporting it, because that's probably going to take an hour or so.
I's converting the mp4 as it imports into a Quicktime file using the Apple Intermediate Codec setting.

Not really. It takes as long as it takes

I found a way that speeds it up by 10000%. When importing DESELECT the "Optomize Video" and instead of taking heaps of time, it now only takes seconds.


The older the processor in your computer is, the longer it will take iMovie to get things done. If you think 11 minutes is too long to wait, I wouldn't even bother exporting it, because that's probably going to take an hour or so.

So exporting takes ages, yes I noticed that.

So why is iMovie so slow to export? Any other app that's faster with same features?
So why is iMovie so slow to export? Any other app that's faster with same features?

Because it reencodes.

Some much better choices (I've also extensively posted on these here at MR forums at, say, - see my quick tutorial there) are iVI.

You can also give a try to QuickTime (even the non-Pro version built into OS X is able to join videos).

Finally, MP4Tools and MKVToolnix are also able to join videos without reencoding them - see .
I use Mp4joiner and Mp4tools to join videos, that I shoot using the same camera and all the same video properties.
I don't want any re-encoding, just 'merge'.
But, at the start of the new joined video(with mp4joiner) or at the end(with m4tools), the video is not ok.
Green screen and pixelized grey screens which seem to try to display video, although audio plays fine.
The joined videos are identical.
Why this happens?
I need an application/tool to merge identical video files without re-encoding.
Why mp4joiner does output such results from my videos?
Something goes wrong with merge, and as I said the videos are identical.
( Hi,

You can try any of these free software to join MP4 files from URL below: )

Hi phrehdd,

Sorry for not reading the forum and post carefully. As this forum is not for Windows User and URL, which I've suggested is for Windows User.

And, I didn't have done that much of the testing and research. But, a point which you make that create a copy of MP4 files is very reasonable before testing any of these software.

Best Regards
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I am sure there are various programs out there that will work. However, if the files are same format (as in resolution and audio etc.), you don't need a program. You can go into terminal mode and append the files.

If you decide to try this, I would suggest making copies of each files first and use the copies for testing.

If I recall you can use the cat command (maybe something like this?).

Combine the Mp4 files with single spaces in between each Mp4 filename using the cat command (short for concatenate). The output command is the greater than sign ‘>’ followed by the destination and merged filename.

cat file1.mp4 file2.mp4 > ../file3.mp4 (it should look similar to this basic example)

I am sure someone has a neat way to do the above and if you files have numbers in them, it can gather them up sequentially. I don't recall how to do this anymore.

last time I dealt with appending files was with both DOS and OS/2 for the most part and as long ago with Unix. The basic strategy was the same for each with slightly different nomenclature.
I've found the easiest way of doing it, just use an older version of the regular free QuickTime 7.0+ which gives you the ability to just drag and drop files on top of each other in sequence and it creates a perfect, merged video for you. Ofcourse Apple took this feature away on their later updates as usual to force people to buy the Pro version, but you don't need to buy it. QuickTime 7.0+ also gives alot of other useful features too, all taken away from users in upgrades! upgrades! upgrades!
( Hi,

You can try any of these free software to join MP4 files from URL below: )

Hi phrehdd,

Sorry for not reading the forum and post carefully. As this forum is not for Windows User and URL, which I've suggested is for Windows User.

And, I didn't have done that much of the testing and research. But, a point which you make that create a copy of MP4 files is very reasonable before testing any of these software.

Best Regards
Yeah maybe thats why its called MacRumours
I've found the easiest way of doing it, just use an older version of the regular free QuickTime 7.0+ which gives you the ability to just drag and drop files on top of each other in sequence and it creates a perfect, merged video for you. Ofcourse Apple took this feature away on their later updates as usual to force people to buy the Pro version, but you don't need to buy it. QuickTime 7.0+ also gives alot of other useful features too, all taken away from users in upgrades! upgrades! upgrades!
I've found the easiest way of doing it, just use an older version of the regular free QuickTime 7.0+ which gives you the ability to just drag and drop files on top of each other in sequence and it creates a perfect, merged video for you. Ofcourse Apple took this feature away on their later updates as usual to force people to buy the Pro version, but you don't need to buy it. QuickTime 7.0+ also gives alot of other useful features too, all taken away from users in upgrades! upgrades! upgrades!

I use the Pro version. It doesnt cost that much. But I think the vanilla will do also. I have varying desgreees of sucksess with both Qts. But recently the best way I have found is drag each file over to the window, after you drop it..hit the fast forward button.not the regular FF but the one that goes to the end. The last button on the right. Then drag and drop the next mp4. Then save as...whatever.mp4
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