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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 10, 2006

I'm a returning Mac user (left at OS 9), and happy to be back! I've searched for a while at this and other forums and can't find the answer to this basic question - how to invoke a keyboard command to launch an application.

I know there are all sorts of ways to invoke menu actions etc. from the keyboard (launch System Prefs, the Home directory, hide windows etc. etc.) - but I can't seem to figure out how to assign an application to launch with a simple keyboard command. Something like "apple - shift - 1" to start Word, or whatever.

In the old OS 9 days there was a program called Program Switcher which I think did this. In XP today there's a great shareware app called "Blue Vade Hotkey" which does this well.

Thanks. You have no idea (or rather, maybe you do) how truly terrific it is to be Mac, uh, I mean back.
a friend recently introduced me to quicksilver and i haven't gotten the chance to download it and figure it out, but it looks really cool. the kinda thing where you think "i don't need that" but then you have it and you say "how did i ever put up with not having this." that's the vibe i get.

until you're ready for a lesson in quicksilver-onomics, spotlight is a good app (can you call it an app?) to use. just hit apple+spacebar and the spotlight window pops down from the menubar and then you can type in a few words and scroll down to your choice.

from what i can tell, quicksilver works in the same way, but is more powerful, elegant, and has many many many more options. but spotlight should get you there until you can figure out quicksilver.
Thanks for the tips

Thanks all, I will give quicksilver a go....
Answering my own question

Well, had a go with Quicksilver - let me say I love Macs! Great app. Took a while to figure out what I was trying to do but here's how it's done, for anyone that comes across this in the future:

-Quicksilver -->Preferences --> Triggers -->Custom Triggers

-Click the "+" to add a trigger and choose "Hot Key"

-Search for the item (way cool), and then save.

-Double-click the "none" under "Trigger" and set a keyboard combo

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