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pcs are junk

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 28, 2009
I am create a tips application for the iPhone. I have a few buttons and would like to link them with other windows inwhich I have designed for people to read the tips. Now I have tried multiple ways of doing this, and none of them have worked. Can someone post the correct directions to do this. Do I need to code it to do this? Thanks in advance!
I am create a tips application for the iPhone. I have a few buttons and would like to link them with other windows inwhich I have designed for people to read the tips. Now I have tried multiple ways of doing this, and none of them have worked. Can someone post the correct directions to do this. Do I need to code it to do this? Thanks in advance!

Do you need to code to make a button work??????? Are you kidding me?! :rolleyes: God, im not that good at coding but even i know that!!! You are at stage one! Please dont try to make an App if you don't even know how to do "THE MOST BASIC" things.....

Learn objective C before you try make apps maybe??.....
uhh sorry newbie, but it does take coding to make a uibutton go to a uiview. i had to rewrite this app 4 times and i have 1 error left. so yeah apparently u dont know what ur talking about.
Post your error. Post your code.

And yes, you do need code to do this. You can't create apps in IB. That's not programming. Learning to program isn't about following directions like learning to use Photoshop or Final Cut Pro or some other app. It's about understanding concepts and learning how to break things down. I'd suggest picking up a book - there are links at the top of this forum for how to get started - use them ;)
ive already solved this one, but now i need help with this last error. i need it to be fixed in order to run the app. please tell me what i need to do to fix this. i cant find any information on this one because it isnt something in general. so maybe on of u knows how to fix it.

here is the code for MainView.m, can someone just quote me and put in red the thing that fixes it. thank you so much!

#import "MainView.h"

@implementation MainView

- (void)awakeFromNib {
[self addSubview:MainView];

- (IBAction)ContinuetoiPhoneTips {
[MainView removeFromSuperview];
[self addSubview:iPhoneTips];

- (IBAction)iPhoneApplications {
[iPhoneTips removeFromSuperview];
[self addSubview:iPhoneApplications];

- (IBAction)HackingyouriPhone {
[iPhoneApplications removeFromSuperview];
[self addSubview:HackingyouriPhone];

- (IBAction)SecretsoftheiPhone {
[HackingyouriPhone removeFromSuperview];
[self addSubview:SecretsoftheiPhone];

-(IBAction)KeepingyouriPhoneSafe {
[SecretsoftheiPhone removeFromSuperview];
[self addSubview:KeepingyouriPhoneSafe];

- (IBAction)ImprovingyourBatteryLife {
[KeepingyouriPhoneSafe removeFromSuperview];
[self addSubview:BatteryLife];

- (IBAction)Main {
[BatteryLife removeFromSuperview];
[self addSubview:iPhoneTips];


here is the picture
Screen shot 2010-01-17 at 5.42.45 PM.png
ive already solved this one, but now i need help with this last error. i need it to be fixed in order to run the app. please tell me what i need to do to fix this. i cant find any information on this one because it isnt something in general. so maybe on of u knows how to fix it.

here is the code for MainView.m, can someone just quote me and put in red the thing that fixes it. thank you so much!

#import "MainView.h"

@implementation MainView

- (void)awakeFromNib {
[self addSubview:MainView];

here is the picture
View attachment 211196

How on earth did you make all that if you can't even make a button?? Where did you rip that code from?

P.S -

- (IBAction)HackingyouriPhone {
[iPhoneApplications removeFromSuperview];
[self addSubview:HackingyouriPhone];

Good luck with Apple on that one.....
no u dont understand, this is a tip application. hacking your iphone means that when they open the actual app, it tells them why they shouldnt jailbreak or hack/modify their iphone, and gives reasons what will happen if they do it.
also i didnt make the button, i used the round rect button, but i had to write a code to make a custom connection to get the button to open up another view. the regular connections refuse to go to the UIViews.
You appear to be trying to add your class (MainView) as an instance. You simply can't that. Once again: go away and actually learn something.
ronnieduncan go away before i report you for instigating.

I just told you the cause of your error and you choose to attack me. Why? Also threats of reporting me to the moderators are pointless. Do it or don't. I'm pretty sure I've not broken any of the site rules. But then what do I know, I've only been posting here since 2002.
alright you know what, screw it. we can be the worst enemies in the world but i really need ur help right now. why is the screen black when i simulate it by clicking build and go in xcode. and why is it white when i simulate it in interface builder?
alright you know what, screw it. we can be the worst enemies in the world but i really need ur help right now. why is the screen black when i simulate it by clicking build and go in xcode. and why is it white when i simulate it in interface builder?

Probably because the simulate interface command in IB uses all the code Apple wrote in IB to let you test your UI without needing the application code written whereas a real app, either for OSX or the iPhone (including the simulator) needs you to write your own code to get it up and running.
how do i write my own code? can u start me off?

Read the stickies at the top of this forum. Learn C (paying particular attention to memory allocation and pointers) then Objective-C (ignore garbage collection as it's not available on the iPhone). Once you've done that spend some time reading the Cocoa Touch conceptual documentation so as you have an idea of how the Frameworks fit together, what design patterns are used and so on.

This is not a fast process. I would expect for a beginner without good programming experience it will take at least a month or so.
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