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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 23, 2003
I think my husband has visited an adult website. Can anyone recommend a good logging or surveillance application I can run on his computer (preferably in a stealth mode) that will monitor websites he visits. It would be great if it could send me emails of activity too. Thanks!
How about dealing with this like a mature adult and simply asking him? If you can't trust him to give you an honest answer, I'd say there are other problems with your relationship that you ought to explore.

Honestly. :rolleyes:
No Big Deal

Most guys look at Porn, there is nothing wrong with it. I am married and look at porn, big deal. ;)
I think my husband has visited an adult website. Can anyone recommend a good logging or surveillance application I can run on his computer (preferably in a stealth mode) that will monitor websites he visits. It would be great if it could send me emails of activity too. Thanks!

Doesn't Leopard have Parental Controls? (Sorry if this is an old thread)
How about dealing with this like a mature adult and simply asking him? If you can't trust him to give you an honest answer, I'd say there are other problems with your relationship that you ought to explore.

Honestly. :rolleyes:

Agreed. This is good advice, I hope you listened to it! :)
I think my husband has visited an adult website. Can anyone recommend a good logging or surveillance application I can run on his computer (preferably in a stealth mode) that will monitor websites he visits. It would be great if it could send me emails of activity too. Thanks!

To address your question and not your personal life: there is logging feature built into Leopard parental controls.

Below is an excerpt from Macworld on how to it up:


When you activate parental controls for a user, no matter what type of controls you apply, your Mac keeps a log of the Web sites that user visits. If you have content limitations set, it will also keep a list of sites that are blocked. If you have limited your user’s access to applications, it will list applications that the user has launched, as well as those that have been blocked, and if you have set limitations on iChat access, it will show all chat attempts made with people not in the user’s whitelist.

You can view these logs to see what your users have been accessing, and what has been blocked; for instance, this is useful if you want to know what Web sites they’ve been trying to visit. In the Parental Controls preference pane, select a user, click the Logs button, and then click one of the Log Collections, such as Websites Visited. You can filter the way this information is displayed, by choosing the duration and whether you want to see it by date or by site from the pop-up menus at the top of the Logs section.

To check out a Web site your user has visited, click it to select it, then click the Open button below. If you don’t like what you see, you can restrict that site—select it and click Restrict. (That button changes to Allow, so if you wish to remove the restriction later, you can do so by selecting that site and clicking Allow.)

You can check on which Web sites your kids have visited, or tried to visit, from the Logs section of the Parental Controls preference pane.

You can do the same for applications that have been used or blocked; to change settings, just select an application and select Restrict or Allow.

You can also view logs of chats that users have carried out with others. Just click iChat, then click a name in the log, then click the triangle to view the chats. Double-click a chat, and iChat will open showing the contents of the chat. If you don’t want a user to be able to chat any more with a given contact, click the contact’s name and then click Restrict.


Remote management of Parental Controls

In Leopard, you can remotely manage parental controls for users on your Macintoshes. This is especially useful if you have several Macs at home, and don’t want to go to each computer to make changes, or if you want to glance at your kids’ activity logs and see what they’ve been up to.

To allow this remote management, you must set yourself up with an administrator account on each Mac that you want to manage remotely. And, on each Mac, to turn on remote management, open the Parental Controls preference pane and check Manage Parental Controls from Another Computer. Then, from the Action pop-up menu, choose Allow Remote Setup. Note that this setting applies to all accounts on the Mac.

To access the controls for remotely managing users on a different Mac, do the following:

In the Finder, look at the Shared section of the sidebar and find the Mac you want to manage remotely. If you don’t see it there, or if the Shared section is not displayed, choose Go -> Connect to Server and then click Browse.
Double-click that Mac’s icon, then click the Connect As button, usually located at the top right of the Finder window.
Enter the user name and password for the administrative account on the remote Mac.
In System Preferences, click the Parental Controls icon. If needed, click the lock icon and authenticate.
In the Accounts list, you’ll see a section labeled Other Computers, which will show the remote Mac you are connected to. Select that Mac’s icon, then authenticate again with the administrator’s user name and password for the remote Mac.
You’ll now see a list of users available. (If you were to disconnect from the remote Mac in the Finder, you’d still be able to access this list in the Parental Controls preference pane.)
Under Other Computers, select the appropriate user account.
Now, you can configure the parental controls for the selected user just as if you were in front of the managed Mac; you can even enable parental controls for those accounts where you have not yet done so. You can also view logs, so if you want to check up on what your kids are doing when you’re not able to look over their shoulders, you can do so. (I explained how to work with these controls earlier in this section, so flip back a few pages if you need directions.)
(Log and Remote Access Info on Page 2 of Article)
OH COME ON.....some of these answers are ridiculous...

I can relate to wanting this question answered. Yes, you can try and handle it like a mature adult..... (already tried that) but then he answers no and you find out (when he forgot to clear the Autofill) that he is still doing it and you want to believe him and you try talking about it maturely and you have kids and you want your marriage to last... and on and on. Basically you just want to find out if you can trust him. You can say a married man can look at porn and it's no big deal. Well then invite a woman over and ask her to strip and perform sexual acts in front of your wife and see if that is no big deal. Give me a break. Why would you look at someone else having sex if you were committed to one woman or one man? The point is (after all my rambling) to have the question about how to check which websites have been visited whether it is for your partner, a friend or relative who came over and started digging around on your computer or your child. The child thing is easy since you can do parental controls. Parental controls don't work as well for adults because they know that you have them on and want to know why you won't trust them. :(
I tried to check my child's web history this way but ONLY numbers show up not the name of the website so how do I know what sites those numbers are attached to? Like she visits one site hundreds of times but it just shows 740.34.etc as the website in parental control web logs. Thanks.

To address your question and not your personal life: there is logging feature built into Leopard parental controls.

Below is an excerpt from Macworld on how to it up:


When you activate parental controls for a user, no matter what type of controls you apply, your Mac keeps a log of the Web sites that user visits. If you have content limitations set, it will also keep a list of sites that are blocked. If you have limited your user’s access to applications, it will list applications that the user has launched, as well as those that have been blocked, and if you have set limitations on iChat access, it will show all chat attempts made with people not in the user’s whitelist.

You can view these logs to see what your users have been accessing, and what has been blocked; for instance, this is useful if you want to know what Web sites they’ve been trying to visit. In the Parental Controls preference pane, select a user, click the Logs button, and then click one of the Log Collections, such as Websites Visited. You can filter the way this information is displayed, by choosing the duration and whether you want to see it by date or by site from the pop-up menus at the top of the Logs section.

To check out a Web site your user has visited, click it to select it, then click the Open button below. If you don’t like what you see, you can restrict that site—select it and click Restrict. (That button changes to Allow, so if you wish to remove the restriction later, you can do so by selecting that site and clicking Allow.)

You can check on which Web sites your kids have visited, or tried to visit, from the Logs section of the Parental Controls preference pane.

You can do the same for applications that have been used or blocked; to change settings, just select an application and select Restrict or Allow.

You can also view logs of chats that users have carried out with others. Just click iChat, then click a name in the log, then click the triangle to view the chats. Double-click a chat, and iChat will open showing the contents of the chat. If you don’t want a user to be able to chat any more with a given contact, click the contact’s name and then click Restrict.


Remote management of Parental Controls

In Leopard, you can remotely manage parental controls for users on your Macintoshes. This is especially useful if you have several Macs at home, and don’t want to go to each computer to make changes, or if you want to glance at your kids’ activity logs and see what they’ve been up to.

To allow this remote management, you must set yourself up with an administrator account on each Mac that you want to manage remotely. And, on each Mac, to turn on remote management, open the Parental Controls preference pane and check Manage Parental Controls from Another Computer. Then, from the Action pop-up menu, choose Allow Remote Setup. Note that this setting applies to all accounts on the Mac.

To access the controls for remotely managing users on a different Mac, do the following:

In the Finder, look at the Shared section of the sidebar and find the Mac you want to manage remotely. If you don’t see it there, or if the Shared section is not displayed, choose Go -> Connect to Server and then click Browse.
Double-click that Mac’s icon, then click the Connect As button, usually located at the top right of the Finder window.
Enter the user name and password for the administrative account on the remote Mac.
In System Preferences, click the Parental Controls icon. If needed, click the lock icon and authenticate.
In the Accounts list, you’ll see a section labeled Other Computers, which will show the remote Mac you are connected to. Select that Mac’s icon, then authenticate again with the administrator’s user name and password for the remote Mac.
You’ll now see a list of users available. (If you were to disconnect from the remote Mac in the Finder, you’d still be able to access this list in the Parental Controls preference pane.)
Under Other Computers, select the appropriate user account.
Now, you can configure the parental controls for the selected user just as if you were in front of the managed Mac; you can even enable parental controls for those accounts where you have not yet done so. You can also view logs, so if you want to check up on what your kids are doing when you’re not able to look over their shoulders, you can do so. (I explained how to work with these controls earlier in this section, so flip back a few pages if you need directions.)
(Log and Remote Access Info on Page 2 of Article)
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