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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 18, 2008
Hi all,
This is my first post here and I hope not to bore you.
I am part of a volunteer group in South Florida and we are raising some money by having a motorcycle/ATV race. We have a race entry flier, but I would like something different that we can use to promote this as we have two and 1/2 months before the green flag drops.
I stepped up and said I would make a flier because I have a Mac :)
Well, I came home and realized I have never made one before and don't know what to do.
I have some software and am not toooo dumb to learn, so if you can help me out, I'd really appreciate it.
mud -n-ur-i
Like others, I would go with iWork if possible. Pages is great for making flyers (and very easy, too). You'll be done in no time. :)
The first thing you have to decide is how you're going to print and fold it, if it has folds. Are you going to send it to a bureau or are you going to print it at home yourself? This will determine how the artwork should be put together.
thanks for the replies

Well, I came home from work and opened up Word and used the help guide. From there I was able to make this and copy it to photoshop.
Then I came to a standstill because I wondered what the printer needs?? LOL!
I will find out I guess from a printer as to what they need from me?
Get yourself Illustrator and go crazy. :)

Or just do what the others have said since it's a much cheaper route.
I would go with Pages... much less expensive than InDesign and QuarkXPress, and much more of what you're looking for than Word.

Illustrator is not meant for this kind of thing.
If you have the means to get a program like InDesign and the desire to learn it, I'd go for that. Sounds like you'd be better off in Pages, though. Your print shop is probably just going to want a PDF.
Hi Mudnuri, I use InDesign every day at work. But for your use I will recommend Pages (iWork), and please don't use Word.

Some templates in Pages:

I made this with Word/Photoshop.
I still don't know what the printer wantsd, but I did a "save as" in PDF as well.

This is NOT the final. Just learning how to do it and make it to where it grabs some attention.
Thank you all for your help.
I made this with Word

You certainly did!

Please, take our advice and stop using Word right away. I can't even bear to look at that much less read it. And I'm usually not that harsh.

If you don't want to pay the $79 for iWork, at least go download Scribus, which is free.

Here is some advice:

  • Less is more.
  • Pretend Word Art does not exist.
  • Use only one or two fonts that compliment each other.
  • Large areas of solid color are also good.
  • Red and orange text on red and orange backgrounds causes everything to blur together.
  • Why are the age ranges of prospective attendees the most dominant thing?
Pls Pls Pls lose all of the type effects, shadows, bent and angled text, etc.
Reserve the coloured fills and shadow for the organization logo only.
Let the text breathe -- there should be ample 'white' space around text so it doesn't compete with other text or graphic elements.

Remember - the first responsibility of a design is to convey information. So it has to be readable to the audience. Does the design pass the test of readability?
If the original poster posts a copy of that logo I might try and whip something up.

That thing is just so awful I feel compelled to do so.
While they're at it they should probably fix that logo up as well. The circular badge has a nice classic look to it but the 1980s rainbow "FTR" and silly cursive Florida "Trail Riders" text is a bit much.

They should just stick to the circle badge, and simple clean text version of the name next to it, if they must.
While they're at it they should probably fix that logo up as well. The circular badge has a nice classic look to it but the 1980s rainbow "FTR" and silly cursive Florida "Trail Riders" text is a bit much.

They should just stick to the circle badge, and simple clean text version of the name next to it, if they must.

BTW.....I think you would have a field day if you went to their website. LOL
typical printer specs:
300+ dpi (or vector)
CMYK color mode
1/8" Bleed (area around edge that will be cut off, but allows for color to extend to edges)
1/8" Additional Margin (to allow for cutting inconsistencies)
Flattened .jpg of .tif format and/or .eps (with fonts outlined)

VERY FEW (IF ANY) full color commercial printers will accept any ms word, iwork, publisher, etc... format - or pdf's generated from these programs, as they rarely meet print-ready requirements.
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