I need to make an animation on iPhone. It should be pausable. So UIImageView.animationImages and MPMoviePlayerController are useless. Also animation fps should be >= 15 fps.
1) I tried to use CGContextDrawImage for view, but fps were < 10.
2) Tried to assign image to UIImageView on timer:
fps again < 10.
3) Wanted to fill images in array first
and then change them by timer
, but faced 2 problems: I use 320x480 32bpp images. One animation period has 100 such images. First of all I have low memory warnings and my app slows down and quits. Sometimes iPhone reboots. Low memory warning happens in timer's selector - so I cant say that simply images array is big. I think imageview uses some kind of caching and because of this memory becomes full. Actually do not even know how to cope with low memory warnings - no maximum allowed level of allocated memory is shown in xcode's instruments. I have no leaks in my code (tested with instruments and Clang Static Analyzer) and no caches or enything that can be freed on low memory warning. Empirically I found out that no low memory warnings are rised if I use 25 images instead of 100. But for smooth animation I want all 100 of them at moderate fps >= 20. SEcond problem with imageView is that first pass of animation is performed slowly and only after that it becomes fast. Here I again come to thought about imageViews caches. It kind of caching all images that were assigned to it's image property?
4) I tried to add imageViews to viewController's view as as subviews each containing one frame of animation:
and then to bring lowest to front on timer
Same problem here - low meory warning. And again it happens only during animation, not on adding subviews! And again I have to dramatically decrease frame number.
Now I am seeking for advice how to make pausable and fast (>= 20 fps) animation from 100 320x480 32bbp images with ability to throw couple of buttons in front it. Not mentioning video, because I dont know pausable video components. I am studiying opengl es now to find out is it to any use for such a task...
I need to make an animation on iPhone. It should be pausable. So UIImageView.animationImages and MPMoviePlayerController are useless. Also animation fps should be >= 15 fps.
1) I tried to use CGContextDrawImage for view, but fps were < 10.
2) Tried to assign image to UIImageView on timer:
imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile...
3) Wanted to fill images in array first
for(NSUInteger k = 1; k <= lastFrameNum; k++) {
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Fire %.3d", k * 4] ofType:@"png"]];
[images addObject:image];
- (void)nextAnimationFrame:(NSTimer *)timer {
if (frameNum > lastFrameNum - 1)
frameNum = 0;
imageView.image = [images objectAtIndex:frameNum];
frameNum ++;
4) I tried to add imageViews to viewController's view as as subviews each containing one frame of animation:
for(NSUInteger k = 1; k <= 10; k++) {
NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Fire %.3d", k];
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:fileName ofType:@"png"]];
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
imageView.image = image;
[self.view insertSubview:imageView atIndex:(self.view.subviews.count + 1)];
- (void)timerFired:(NSTimer *)timer {
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:[self.view.subviews objectAtIndex:0]];
Now I am seeking for advice how to make pausable and fast (>= 20 fps) animation from 100 320x480 32bbp images with ability to throw couple of buttons in front it. Not mentioning video, because I dont know pausable video components. I am studiying opengl es now to find out is it to any use for such a task...