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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 1, 2009
At my work place, there is a secure wifi n/w for which I cannot login (company does not support iphones). So everytime I open up an app/safari, I get the popup window to connect to the n/w. It becomes quite irritating after a while:mad:
Is there a way to disable it for this particular n/w?
I dont want to disable the global option as I would like to have it popup when I am somewhere else.
Instead of "forget this n/w", I am looking more for "dont show this n/w anymore".
For eg: if the wifi n/w "macrumors" is in range, when I open up Safari, by default, I get the window:
Select a Wi-Fi Network

I would like it to not show macrumors atall and therefore if it is the only wifi n/w in range, I wont get the window "Select a Wi-Fi Network"
Settings> Wifi> On> Click network you dont want like you're going to join it> Click blue arrow> Forget this network.

Yeah, that doesn't ignore the network. It just forgets it until you go out of range. When you come back, it will ask if you want to join.

This would be a nice feature, since one often encounters private networks in a given location that one would regularly like to exclude.
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