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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 13, 2017
Schererville, Indiana
I recently restored a Space Gray iPhone 5, but I put it in a white/silver body (I forget the color name Apple gives it). Is there any way I can permanently have the boot screen be a white start up screen instead of black? I'm cool with jailbreaking my phone to get it, but I want to be able to reset it and lose the jailbreak but still have the white boot up screen. Is it possible to modify some settings in iFile or something to get it to do that? Thanks!


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I recently restored a Space Gray iPhone 5, but I put it in a white/silver body (I forget the color name Apple gives it). Is there any way I can permanently have the boot screen be a white start up screen instead of black? I'm cool with jailbreaking my phone to get it, but I want to be able to reset it and lose the jailbreak but still have the white boot up screen. Is it possible to modify some settings in iFile or something to get it to do that? Thanks!
Not to my knowledge - even with a jailbreak.

Keep in mind that you'd need to be on a version of firmaware that is currently jailbreakable for 32 bit devices.

Owning an iPhone 5 of the color you mention, I do believe that term you want is Black/Slate. Space Gray was not a color option until the 5s.
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macrumors 68020
May 31, 2012
New England
The boot logo is themeable through Anemone/Winterboard. There is also a Cydia app called InvertRespring that flips the boot screen colors. However, no solution is going to persist after you restore and lose your jailbreak.


macrumors 65832
Jul 3, 2015
For me its the opposite! I have a Gold iPhone 6s+ so its white in front. I like my phone colors, but I dont like at all the completely white screen when I reboot or install update. I have the impression it use more battery when installing firmware than a normal dark screen, but its just an impression. But yes, I realy prefer the old black screen reboot/update screen.

Thanksfully, with my jailbreak, I rarely reboot and...I never update of course :D
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